by Jared Wright | Aug 31, 2019 | In Other News
Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission (NELM) News
Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission (NELM) NewsIt’s back to school time, and the children in the school at Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission(NELM)in Rock Point, AZ are benefitting from a support project though CtK. Art Meyer and Judy Roy kindlyvolunteered to deliver 45 hygiene kitsto the NELM school a fewweeks ago. The kits included items such as atowel, tooth paste and brushes, shampoo, soap, a comb, etc. Many of the children come to school from a distance, and the kits are a huge benefit to help them meet basic needs and be fresh and ready for learning. Art andJudy also deliverednew clothing items for young children –items purchased with a $250 grant from Thrivent. Thankyou Art and Judyandto all who participated in this meaningful project for the children at NELM.
Post-card Greetings from Kip & Laura
The photo above was taken by Laura Stransky this Summer–it’s “Kip’s Summer Garden.” Kip & Laura wanted to share this picture with their CtK family to give honor and thanks to the wonderful blessings of our heavenly Father despite the challenges of the flood damage their home and property sustained earlier in the year. God is indeed good; even in the face of adversity!
by Social Ministry Team | Aug 31, 2019 | Social Ministry
Bread for the World Offering of Letters—September 20th
We will be doing our annual Offering of Letters on Sunday, October 20th. This year’s focus is on global nutrition. Here is a synopsis of the current situation:
“Today, nearly 821 million people in the world—11 percent of the world’s population—remain hungry. One in 4 of the world’s children are affected by stunting, resulting in irreversible life consequences. Countries in Central America, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa are disproportionately affected. Almost half of all child deaths worldwide are linked to malnutrition.”
We delayed our weekend of lifting up our voices so we can have members back from summer vacations and have more information on the current efforts underway which affect this issue.
We will be writing letters (or sending e-mails) to our three Members of Congress supporting H. Resolution 189 and increasing global nutrition funding to $250 million in the Fiscal Year 2020 appropriations bill.
So bring your pen or your device and lift your voice in support of those across the world suffering from hunger and poverty.
by Pastor Tim | Aug 31, 2019 | Pastor Tim's Thoughts
“The Unique Gifts of the ELCA”
When Bishop Gonia visited our congregation last year, he led an activity called “Claiming Our Gifts.” This activity was designed to open our eyes to the many unique gifts that we can celebrate as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Some of them were theological in nature: grace; paradox; the theology of the cross. Some of them were practical: ministry of all the baptized; word and sacrament as means of grace. Still others celebrated our unique church structure as “Glocal,” ecumenical, and interdependent. The last grouping celebrated the ELCA’s legacy, our history. In this category, Bishop Gonia placed the Lutheran Reformation – a gift of the church that continues more than 500 years later – and the multitude of church mergers that have happened over the years to bring about the ELCA as it is today. Lastly, Bishop Gonia referred to our legacy as being a church shaped by an immigrant history.
Those who participated in my Bible study on Lutheranism a few years ago will remember the way that Lutheranism in America grew primarily from immigrants primarily from Germany, Denmark, and the Scandinavian countries. These people came seeking opportunity and freedom from religious persecution. When they came to their new country, they found (or founded) a church that welcomed them, provided them with a community, and nourished them with God’s grace.
That work continues today through an organization called Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS). This organization has been in existence for 80 years, working alongside other organizations like Catholic Social Services and the U.S. Federal government to provide help for those in the often-complicated immigration or refugee process. This is one of the few ministries with which the ELCA still finds a welcome partner with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod! To me, that just highlights this organization’s amazing role in bringing people together for an important and needed ministry.
Immigration has been a hot topic in the news lately, and usually not in a good way. Illegal immigration is, indeed, a problem for our country that needs to be addressed. Meanwhile, there are still people all around the world who are seeking to find opportunity, flee persecution, and avoid starvation, violence and war. Nearly 71 million people were forcibly displaced from their homes in 2018. That’s a staggering number! So, for those who are looking to enter the asylum process as a refugee, or for those who are looking to enter our immigration system, LIRS still is there offering their help. But while the need increases around the world, the funds to provide such ministries dwindles.
You may recall that earlier this year, CtK received $46,000 as the settlement for the property easement sale. The Church Council decided to do a 10% tithe: 5% for Synod Benevolence and 5% to be decided by the Social Ministry team. Given the need, the Social Ministry Team at CtK has designated their portion of this “gift” ($2,300) to support this ministry in their work of supporting, walking alongside of, and providing assistance to those who are navigating our complicated immigration system. To be clear, this is a long-standing, reputable organization that seeks to help those who want to follow the asylum or immigration process in a legal way. At a time when the need for such organizations and ministries is sharply increasing, the social ministry team felt that this was a compassionate and just response.
If you have questions about LIRS, or if you’d like to talk about this contribution, please see me. I’d be happy to have a conversation with you about it.
Pastor Tim
by Mandy Gardner | Aug 31, 2019 | Faith Formation
We are church. We are Lutheran. We are church together. We are church for the sake of the world.
We’re going to try something new this school year: intergenerational faith formation! Since we as humans and Lutherans never stop forming our faith, asking questions, and looking for ways to care for the people and world around us, we’re going to focus on exactly that.
On Sundays between services, join Pastor Tim and the 2020 confirmation class as they do a deep dive into our Church in Society. Why do we as ELCA Lutherans have a duty to call for justice? Is it because we identify ourselves as a community that lives from and for the gospel? What does it mean that the church is ‘in’ but not ‘from’ the world?
We need YOU! The only way this can be intergenerational is if the class is comprised of people from different age groups. We need your perspective! We need your insights! Come and talk to our new class of confirmands and learn from their experiences, too. We’re also going to throw in a “party” each month, and you won’t want to miss those.
All ages and stages are welcome – Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Community Hall.
If you are interested in helping to plan the monthly special event parties, please talk with Mandy or Pastor Tim.
Faith Formation Event Calendar –Sundays at 9:30am in the Community Hall (unless otherwise noted)
Sept 8 Rally Day: learn from all of CtK’s M-Teams how you can get involved
Sept 15 – Oct 6 Study: Church in Society
Oct 13 Party: Generosity
Oct 20 – 27 Study: Church in Society
Nov 3 Party: Art Gala “afterparty” and award ceremony.
Nov 10 No class – Annual Meeting – one worship service at 9:30am followed
by meeting
Nov 17 – Dec 15 Study: Church in Society
Dec 22 Party: Live Nativity costume and prep for performance at 10:30am Worship
Service. (W6/7) Bring your dogs! Costumes provided.
by Beth Stelz | Aug 31, 2019 | By The Numbers
Our Gifts Blessing Others:
Synod |
$1,238 |
World Hunger |
$515 |
Social Ministry |
$4,084 |
Total Benevolence |
$5,837 |
Synod |
$11,850 |
World Hunger |
$7,358 |
Social Ministry |
$11,258 |
Total Benevolence |
$30,466 |
Gifts Received |
$24,769 |
Facility Donations |
$300 |
Expenses |
$27,635 |
Net Operating Income |
($2,566) |
Gifts Received |
$190,434 |
Facility Donations |
$1,470 |
Expenses |
$199,767 |
Net Operating Income |
($7,863) |
Endowment Fund Balance |
$165,452 |
Wednesday, July 31st 5:36pm |
10 |
Sunday, August 4th, 8am |
52 |
Sunday, August 4th, 10:30am |
47 |
Weekly Total |
109 |
Wednesday, August 7th, 5:26pm |
7 |
Sunday, August 11th, 8am |
60 |
Sunday, August 11th, 10:30am |
55 |
Weekly Total |
122 |
Wednesday, August 14th, 5:26pm |
6 |
Sunday, August 18th, 8am |
53 |
Sunday, August 18th, 10:30am |
62 |
Weekly Total |
121 |
Wednesday, August 21st, 5:26pm |
5 |
Sunday, August 25th, 8am |
53 |
Sunday, August 25th, 10:30am |
73 |
Weekly Total |
131 |