July 2020 — Council’s Corner

July 2020 — Council’s Corner



Greetings from Church Council!

Pastor Tim and our staff  continue to amaze us with their creativity and timeless efforts to keep us connected in this virtual world we are currently experiencing. We all are looking forward to the time when we can worship and have fellowship with each other in person. Until that time comes, please continue to join us for online worship and fellowship.  And on Sunday afternoons, Pastor Tim offers in-person Holy Communion.

You are also invited to join us for our VIRTUAL semi-annual meeting this Sunday, May 31st immediately following the 9:15am virtual worship. We’ll begin the meeting at around 10am.  You can stay connected by zooming in using the links listed below.

Via Computer/Laptop:

Worship Service at 9:15am: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/530311237

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting (beginning around 10am):



Via Cell Phone:

  1. Call (301) 715-8592
  2. When prompted, type in the meeting room number: 813 2288 6237
  3. When prompted, type in the meeting passcode: 1964

You and your voice are needed at this meeting! We will have an important vote requesting the congregation to empower the Church Council to move forward in signing a lease with potential tenants for the Garden Suites space.   Several CtK’ers are also needed to serve on Church Council and the Mission Endowment Board, so please prayerfully consider being an important member of one or both of these ministries.  Thank you.

Holly Landgren

CtK Council President



June 2020 — Council’s Corner

June 2020 — Council’s Corner



Greetings from Church Council!

Pastor Tim and our staff  continue to amaze us with their creativity and timeless efforts to keep us connected in this virtual world we are currently experiencing. We all are looking forward to the time when we can worship and have fellowship with each other in person. Until that time comes, please continue to join us for online worship and fellowship.  And on Sunday afternoons, Pastor Tim offers in-person Holy Communion.

You are also invited to join us for our VIRTUAL semi-annual meeting this Sunday, May 31st immediately following the 9:15am virtual worship. We’ll begin the meeting at around 10am.  You can stay connected by zooming in using the links listed below.

Via Computer/Laptop:

Worship Service at 9:15am: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/530311237

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting (beginning around 10am):



Via Cell Phone:

  1. Call (301) 715-8592
  2. When prompted, type in the meeting room number: 813 2288 6237
  3. When prompted, type in the meeting passcode: 1964

You and your voice are needed at this meeting! We will have an important vote requesting the congregation to empower the Church Council to move forward in signing a lease with potential tenants for the Garden Suites space.   Several CtK’ers are also needed to serve on Church Council and the Mission Endowment Board, so please prayerfully consider being an important member of one or both of these ministries.  Thank you.

Holly Landgren

CtK Council President



July 2020 — Council’s Corner

May 2020 — Council’s Corner


Greetings from your Church Council!

We first want to extend a huge thank you to Pastor Time and our amazing staff as they have worked creatively and diligently to keep us connected in this virtual world we are currently experiencing. We all are looking forward to the time when we can worship and have fellowship with each other in person. Until that time comes, please continue to join us for online worship and fellowship. 

We are currently working on options for having our semi-annual meeting in May. We need you and your voice at this meeting! We will have an important vote requesting the congregation to empower the Church Council to move forward in signing a lease with potential tenants for the Garden Suites space. We also need some of you to serve on Church Council and the Mission Endowment Board. If you have any interest in serving in either capacity, please let Pastor Tim know. 

Following is a poem by Laura Kelly Fanucci; may it lift your spirits and give you hope!

When this is over,

may we never again take for granted

A handshake with a stranger

Full shelves at the store

Conversations with neighbors

A crowded theater

Friday night out

The taste of communion

A routine check-up

The school rush each morning

Coffee with a friend

The stadium roaring

Each deep breath

A boring Tuesday

Life itself.

When this ends,

may we find

that we have become

more like the people

We wanted to be

We were called to be

We hoped to be,

And may we stay

That way – better

For each other

Because of the worst.


Holly Landgren

CtK Council President



July 2020 — Council’s Corner

April 2020 — Council’s Corner

Greetings from your Church Council!

This month, we simply want to say, “Thank You!”  Thank you to our amazing church staff who have worked so hard to keep us connected through worship and fellowship during this time. Thank you to all who have participated in the many prayer, worship and bible study online opportunities.  Thank you to our Council and congregation members who are continuing to team up to accomplish some great work–like our ComMission Team for offering up the stay-at-home Movie Bracket.  We hope you’ve been enjoying the game!  And thank you to everyone who has made phone calls to stay in touch and care for one another.  These calls have brought joy and a smile to the day for many of us–those who have both made and received calls.  So keep making those calls!  And a special thank you to those CtK’ers and others in our Durango community whose profession calls on them to serve on the front lines during these anxious times.  You make us proud!

At this time, the Semi annual Meeting is scheduled for May 17th.  We will keep you informed of any changes as a result of the covid-19 crisis.  In the interim, please use some of your stay-at-home extra time to prayerfully consider being a member of either Church Council or our Mission Endowment Fund Board.   We are seeking a few people that can serve on these two boards and get the chance to work with other wonderful congregation members already serving.  Elections will be held for Church Council and the Endowment Fund Board during the May 17th meeting.  If you are interested in serving and would like more information, contact pastortim@ctkdurango.org

Following is a poem by Laura Kelly Fanucci; may it lift your spirits and give you hope!

When this is over,

may we never again take for granted

A handshake with a stranger

Full shelves at the store

Conversations with neighbors

A crowded theater

Friday night out

The taste of communion

A routine check-up

The school rush each morning

Coffee with a friend

The stadium roaring

Each deep breath

A boring Tuesday

Life itself.


When this ends,

may we find

that we have become

more like the people

We wanted to be

We were called to be

We hoped to be,

And may we stay

That way – better

For each other

Because of the worst.

Holly Landgren

CtK Council President


July 2020 — Council’s Corner

March 2020 — Council’s Corner

Greetings from your Church Council!

Council and congregation members are continuing to team up to accomplish some great work. Thank you to all of you who are lending your time and expertise to keep a variety of necessary projects moving forward.

Garden Suites (Formerly known as Children’s World) update:  The Garden Suites team has made good progress in the last weeks. We are in conversation with a local non-profit organization interested in leasing the Garden Suites space. For privacy reasons, we can’t name the agency at this time, but good discussions are taking place.  Part of the delay in moving forward is that our Church bylaws require congregational approval before Council can move forward to sign a lease agreement.  The lease opportunity will be further addressed at the Semi-annual Meeting on May 17th, and a vote will be held to give Council the approval to move forward with a potential lease agreement.

Renewal Team Planning:  Pastor Tim will be taking renewal leave during the Summer of 2021. Thank you to all of you for attending the planning meetings that have been held and for completing the surveys of your top choices for congregational renewal leave activities. Your input has given direction to the renewal team to complete work on the Lily Foundation grant request. For more information please check out the Renewal Leave page on our church website.

We need you! CtK will be hosting the Ecumenical Lenten worship service and soup supper on March 25th. We are asking CtK’ers to please bring soup and/or bread — so keep watch, sign-up sheets will be out soon.

Think and pray about it….The Semi annual Meeting is coming up on May 17th.  At this meeting, elections will be held for Church Council and the Endowment Fund Board.  We are seeking a few people that can serve on these two boards and get the chance to work with other wonderful congregation members already serving. If you have questions or are interested in serving, please let Pastor Tim know.

Holly Landgren

CtK Council President


June 2020 — Council’s Corner

February 2020 — Council’s Corner

News from CtK Council & M-Teams

Renewal and Being Rooted

List of topics, ideas, questions, and the like from the Renewal discussion on Jan 26th. 

Greetings from your Church Council! We hope that you all had a blessed Christmas Season and that the New Year is off to a wonderful start for you.

It is a busy time with many things in the works. We have members of the congregation teaming up with members from Church Council–all working to accomplish some great things.

On January 26th, we had a very productive congregational gathering to discuss Pastor Tim’s planned renewal leave during the Summer of 2020.  The discussion focused on the theme of “Being Rooted.” It was a time to learn more about the Lily Foundation Grant and how, if received, will financially assist both Pastor Tim and his family, as well as the congregation, for renewal leave activities. Thank you to everyone who attended and brought great questions and wonderful ideas for how this can be a period of renewal for the entire congregation! The next meeting to discuss the renewal leave will be on Sunday, February 16th at 9:30am in the Community Hall.  At this time, we’ll also give an update about the progress on the grant application.  Please plan to join us as we discuss this important and exciting time for both Pastor Tim and his family, AND our CtK family.

CtK’s “Garden Suites”

A team of CtK’ers has been working very diligently on planning and preparing The Garden Suites (formally known as Children’s World), for a potential new tenant. This group is working towards the goal of having the space prepared and rented by the second quarter. Look for future updates on the progress of this project coming soon!

CtK Fun and Fellowship Events and Activities

CtK’ers having fun at the  New Year’s Eve Game Night party.                                                                                        CtK ladies out for a winter hike.

Several Fellowship opportunities are being planned for all of us to get to better know our CtK family, share meals, fun and laughter. Coming up real soon is CtK’s Annual Super Bowl party on Sunday, February 2nd with kick-off at 4:30pm in the Community Hall. All are invited to join the fun and bring your best appetizer to share.  You can enter it in the annual food contest, and you might win one of the three prizes being awarded!!

Another upcoming activity is the Taste and Talk dinner groups for February and March gatherings. If you would like more information about these groups, please talk to Janeann Jones or Holly Landgren.

Be watching the Sunday bulletins for additional Fellowship opportunities in February and March—we hope you will join us for good ol’ CtK fun and fellowship!



Holly Landgren, Council President

Photos by H. Landgren