Greetings from your Church Council!
Council and congregation members are continuing to team up to accomplish some great work. Thank you to all of you who are lending your time and expertise to keep a variety of necessary projects moving forward.
Garden Suites (Formerly known as Children’s World) update: The Garden Suites team has made good progress in the last weeks. We are in conversation with a local non-profit organization interested in leasing the Garden Suites space. For privacy reasons, we can’t name the agency at this time, but good discussions are taking place. Part of the delay in moving forward is that our Church bylaws require congregational approval before Council can move forward to sign a lease agreement. The lease opportunity will be further addressed at the Semi-annual Meeting on May 17th, and a vote will be held to give Council the approval to move forward with a potential lease agreement.
Renewal Team Planning: Pastor Tim will be taking renewal leave during the Summer of 2021. Thank you to all of you for attending the planning meetings that have been held and for completing the surveys of your top choices for congregational renewal leave activities. Your input has given direction to the renewal team to complete work on the Lily Foundation grant request. For more information please check out the Renewal Leave page on our church website.
We need you! CtK will be hosting the Ecumenical Lenten worship service and soup supper on March 25th. We are asking CtK’ers to please bring soup and/or bread — so keep watch, sign-up sheets will be out soon.
Think and pray about it….The Semi annual Meeting is coming up on May 17th. At this meeting, elections will be held for Church Council and the Endowment Fund Board. We are seeking a few people that can serve on these two boards and get the chance to work with other wonderful congregation members already serving. If you have questions or are interested in serving, please let Pastor Tim know.
Holly Landgren
CtK Council President