Summer (through August) Worship Information
Sunday, 9:00 AM – INDOOR-IN-PERSON and LIVE STREAMED from the CtK Sanctuary. Those who wish to join us for our IN-PERSON worship service in the Sanctuary must sign up in advance. You can do so by navigating to our sign-up hub on our website ( If you do not have access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone to sign up on your own, please notify Pastor Tim or the Church Office of your intent to be present. At this time, we can accommodate up to 50 people in the Sanctuary. Masks are not required if you are vaccinated; however, if you are not vaccinated, you are encouraged to wear a mask. We continue to practice physical distancing between households for all households.
Sunday, 10:30 AM – IN-PERSON, OUTDOOR (front lawn/parking lot)
Sign-up is not required; however, if you choose to sit on the front lawn and HAVE NOT been vaccinated, masks are strongly encouraged; and physical distancing between households is required for everyone.
Wednesday “Behold!” 6:00PM – IN-PERSON—CtK Community Hall + Zoom
Click Here to zoom-in. If you need the password, please contact Pastor Tim.
NOTE: For the time being, we will NOT be having dinner during our Behold! worship service.
Thank you for your help in making in-person worship a safe experience for all. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Tim.
Clean Up Day at CtK
On June 12, 2021, at 9:00 in the morning, interested members and friends arrived at CtK to participate in a major cleanup endeavor of the campus and facility. Various members and friends used their skills to beautify and ready the church for the summer outdoor season. Outside temperatures were high, but they were not higher than the enthusiasm of the group to “get the job done.”
Dirt from the front driveway, left there earlier from previous garden work, was cleared away and distributed around the grounds so that the pavement could be swept and cleaned. Flowerbeds and rock beds were weeded and readied for summer growth. The sides and back of the church grounds that were too steep to mow were cut with a weed eater. The yard was mowed, and inside cleaning was done too. With CtK’s campus now ready for summer, the volunteers were ready for a few refreshments and lots of water after which everyone returned to their own Saturday activities.
Many thanks go out to the following people who gave of their time and energy to help with the cleanup:
Kayla Hefner, Beverly Stacy Dittmer, David Parr, Molly Bodewes, Dan Graves, Bob Harms, Carla and Don Gonville, Dave Mitzlaff, Catherine Hawk, Joan Forry, and Pete Olson.
(There may be others who lent a helping hand that I do not know about, and I apologize up front if I missed anyone.)
Thanks to all who participated, and thanks to the Membership Team for leading our group.
Respectfully submitted by Beverly Stacy Dittmer
News You Can Use
As CtK begins to open post-pandemic, we are calling on everyone to prayerfully consider how you might use your time and talents to help propel CtK forward in this new hybrid in-person/techno-based way of doing church. We have the technology. Now, we need YOU! Currently, we are seeking to fill ALL categories of worship volunteers: Altar Guild Assistants; Worship Assistants – ushers, readers, communion assistants, soundboard/camera operators, presentation computer operators (“clicking” slides/power points that are displayed on the screen during worship), and lastly, a NEW and exciting kind of volunteer position — an online church host. This person would be basically acting as a “virtual greeter/online chat person” for worship services. If you feel you might be interested in any of these volunteer positions and/or if you have any questions, please give Pastor Tim a call (970-247-5310) or touch base with him between Sunday services. Training will be provided for all volunteers. Thanks for your consideration.
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Chancel Choir is once again filling the Sanctuary with their melodious voices. Please contact Jared Wright, Choir/Music Director if you would like to sing. Jared can be reached at 970-759-1834 or email—all are welcome!
Save the Dates–July
CtK’s Noisy Offering designee for the month
of July is Rainbow Trail.
Monday—Friday, July 12th—16th—CtK’s Day Camp: 8:30am through 12:30pm
Sunday, July 18th – “Christmas in July” worship—both services–9am and 10:30am! After service, join the CtK Youth during fellowship for some “yummy” Christmas treats!
Sunday, July 25th – Special CtK Youth-led worship service at 9 and/or 10:30am. Come, see what the Youth have in store as they express their faith.
Saturday/Sunday, July 31st-August 1st – CtK’s Annual Campout at Chris Park/Haviland Lake. Stay tuned for details. . .
Looking Ahead
Sunday, August 8th & 15th – CtK Quilters’ Fall Quilt Sale in the CtK Community Hall. The quilts will be displayed in the CtK Community Hall for your shopping convenience between 8:30am—11:30am on both dates.
Sunday, September 12th – “God’s Work. Our Hands” Sunday. Stay tuned. . .
Saturday, November 6th – CtK’s Annual Art Gallery & Gala. The theme is “The Parables.”
For all events and activities, please check the CtK website for the most current updates.