January 2020 In Our Prayers

January 2020 In Our Prayers

Please keep the following Military men and women in your prayers…

To add or remove names from this list, please contact Janeann Jones

  • Major Ryan Bankhead—Brother of Eryn Orlowski
  • Sgt. John Dee—Son in-law of Wendy Krull
  • Sgt. Chris Gomez—Nephew of BJ and Danny Pierce
  • Staff Sergeant (SSgt.) Airman Paul Herr—Nephew of Gary & Carol Orlowski
  • Hugh Jones, Jr. Sailor—Son of Rick & Janeann Jones
  • Sgt. Brandon Minser —Son in-law of Wendy Krull
  • LCDR Andy Schaaf—Son of Merilee and Mark Fleming
  • Major Clayton Stransky—Nephew of Kip and Laura Stransky
  • Technical Sgt. & Special Air Force Agent Stephen Van Dover—Nephew of Nancy Van Dover

CtK family & friends who are in need of prayer…

To add or remove names from this list, please contact Linda White

  • The Family of Lon Erwin
  • Shirley Buslee
  • The Family of Lucille Ball
  • Veronica Rice (Mother of David Gonzales)
  • Clark Lagow & Sandy Newman
  • Matthew Burnett, son of Tom & Marna Burnett
  • Larry & Lauren Rardin
  • Beverly and Paul Dittmer
  • Mary Southworth
  • Darlene Warring
  • Bonnie Rossmiller
  • LuLu Mae Hess
  • Bev Brown
  • Lori Lachelt
  • Kayla Hefner
  • Carol Gunderson
  • CtK’s ministry and partnership with both the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, AZ and San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church in Zaculeu, Guatemala.
  • CtK’s Homebound Ministry and all those who serve our homebound members through this ministry.
  • Mandy Gardner, CtK’s Director of Faith Formation. She was approved for Endorsement by the RMS in March, 2019.
  • All those battling mental illness and addictions.
  • Each person in our CtK church family.
January 2020 — Social Ministry News

January 2020 — Social Ministry News

CtK’ers Have BIG Hearts

The Social Ministry Committee would like to thank all the people who participated in the various activities we sponsor that benefit the community.  We had a terrific turnout for the stuffing making and very quickly turned out 32 pans of stuffing.  Special thanks to Jeff Saville who has volunteered to be the new Stuffing Czar at Christ the King.

We had a good response to the plea for volunteers to ring the bell for the Salvation Army.  We did have a few open slots.  Let’s make it a goal to do better next year.  Walmart is a very important collection site for the SA.  They routinely collect $5000 a week there!  At the time of writing our totals for this year were not available, but we will share those next month.

And a huge THANK YOU to all of you who took an angel from our Angel Tree!  And an even bigger one to the folks that volunteered to deliver the gifts to the families.  It is a wonderful feeling to be part of a congregation with such a big heart. 

Just a reminder—John Condie is going to step down as coordinator of the Angel Tree.  Talk to him if you are willing to shoulder some or all of this task, or if you simply have questions about it.  And THANK YOU JOHN for your many years as the CtK coordinator for this ministry. 

Thank you from the Social Ministry Committee, and Christ’s blessings on all of you.


January 2020 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

January 2020 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts


“Where is that bag of chips?”

I’m a late night snacker. It’s not the best or healthiest habit, I know, but the craving for salt or sweet at night sometimes drowns out the little voice in my brain telling me not to do it. Usually, a serving of ice cream or a handful of chips are on the menu. Every once in a long while, though, I find my craving for something completely different: fresh vegetables. Sometimes, my craving is for that juicy red bell pepper; or for those tart cherry tomatoes; or for those crunchy carrots. These unusual late night cravings surprise me, but they tell me that perhaps this is what my body actually needs every once in a while. My body needs the good stuff as a respite from the unhealthier snacks that are the norm.

In the summer of 2021, I’ll be taking a few months away from CtK for a planned sabbatical. A sabbatical offers an opportunity to get off the treadmill and provides an opportunity for renewal of vision and hope. After years of gorging myself with the multi-faceted tasks associated with ministry – tasks I love, by the way – I’m sensing an unusual craving: stopping. Like those late-night vegetable snacks, I’m taking this as a cue that my body – indeed, my spirit – needs some rest and rejuvenation as a respite from my normal hectic schedule. Yet, I know that a sabbatical is intended to be more than just a chance to recharge one’s batteries for another year. It can be a life and soul-changing time, a time when perspective and the Holy Spirit can come together. I’m looking forward to it.

Starting this month, I’ll be writing a grant outlining my plans and desired outcomes for a sabbatical that I’m planning to take in summer 2021. The grant asks some pretty specific questions about what it is I plan to “do” during this time, understanding that this is not a “working vacation,” but a chance for rest and rejuvenation. One of my tasks over the next few weeks is to distill all of the ideas running around in my brain down to one or three that would actually be doable.

An equally important part of the grant asks what the congregation plans to do during my sabbatical. What hopes and dreams does the congregation want to fulfill? What events, or faith formation opportunities, or rejuvenation activities would the congregation want to engage in for those weeks while I’m gone? A spiritual growth retreat? A faith formation series with a special guest speaker?

Whether or not the grant is accepted, I think these are worthwhile questions to consider. They will help me and the congregation to get a sense of what it is that we need during this extended sabbath time. What is it that we – as the Body of Christ – need as a respite from our normal, everyday life as church together? And how would those needs satisfy our deepest cravings? In the coming weeks and months, I look forward to exploring those questions with you.

Now, where is that bag of chips?


Pastor Tim


January 2020 Fellowship Group News

January 2020 Fellowship Group News

CtK Piecemaker Quilters

The Piecemaker Quilters would like to invite all those interested in quilting (or wanting to learn how to quilt) to join us. You’ll find us a warm and accepting group who makes quilts for baptisms, the sick and elderly, as well as for various mission projects for those in need here at home and abroad. If you would like more information, please give Judy Danielson a call at the Durango Quilt Company: 970-247-2582.  The Piecemakers regularly meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 9:30 am until 2:00 pm in the CtK Community Hall.   We look forward to seeing you!


CtK Book Club

The CtK Book Club meets on the second Thursday of each month at 3:00 pm in the CtK Library.  On Thursday, January 9th, 2020 we’ll kick off the new year with a discussion of the book, “Before We Were Yours” by Lisa Wingate. Our February 13th discussion will be “My Dear Hamilton” by Drae & Kamole.  Then on March 12th, we’ll discuss “A Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles.  A popular book, “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker will be the topic of our discussion on April 9th, and then another popular book, “The Sun Also Rises,” by Ernest Hemingway will finish out our discussions on May 14th .  We’ll be on Summer Break until September 12th (so stay tuned for our book line up coming in the Fall).

You are invited to drop in at any time and join us for some lively and enriching literary discussions—new members are always warmly welcomed! For more information about any of our reads or activities, please contact Stella Welcher at 970-903-9327.

January 2020 By the Numbers

January 2020 By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Synod $1,168
World Hunger $   625
Social Ministry $1,281
Total Benevolence $3,074


Synod $17,421
World Hunger $ 9,128
Social Ministry $20,990
Total Benevolence $47,539


Financial Update:

Gifts Received $23,361
Facility Donations $       25
Expenses $27,511
Net Operating Income $(4,125)
Endowment Fund Balance $   —-


Gifts Received $301,861
Facility Donations $    1,575
Expenses $310,719
Net Operating Income $(7,283)
Endowment Fund Balance $168,887


Worship Attendance:

Wednesday, November 27th, 6pm Thanksgiving Eve 80
Sunday, December 1st, 8am 44
Sunday, December 1st, 10:30am 62
Weekly Total 186


Wednesday, December 4th, Behold
Sunday, December 8th, 8am
Sunday,December 8th, 10:30am
Weekly Total


Wednesday,December 11th, Behold
Sunday, December 15th, 8am
Sunday, December 15th, 10:30am
Weekly Total


Wednesday, December 18th, Behold n.a
Sunday, December 22nd, 8am 69
Sunday, December 22nd, 10:30am 71
Weekly Total 140


Tuesday, Christmas Eve, 5pm 194
Tuesday, Christmas Eve, 7pm 63
Weekly Total 257


Sunday, December 29th, 8am 56
Sunday, December 29th, 10:30am 40
Weekly Total 96