CtK’ers Have BIG Hearts
The Social Ministry Committee would like to thank all the people who participated in the various activities we sponsor that benefit the community. We had a terrific turnout for the stuffing making and very quickly turned out 32 pans of stuffing. Special thanks to Jeff Saville who has volunteered to be the new Stuffing Czar at Christ the King.
We had a good response to the plea for volunteers to ring the bell for the Salvation Army. We did have a few open slots. Let’s make it a goal to do better next year. Walmart is a very important collection site for the SA. They routinely collect $5000 a week there! At the time of writing our totals for this year were not available, but we will share those next month.
And a huge THANK YOU to all of you who took an angel from our Angel Tree! And an even bigger one to the folks that volunteered to deliver the gifts to the families. It is a wonderful feeling to be part of a congregation with such a big heart.
Just a reminder—John Condie is going to step down as coordinator of the Angel Tree. Talk to him if you are willing to shoulder some or all of this task, or if you simply have questions about it. And THANK YOU JOHN for your many years as the CtK coordinator for this ministry.
Thank you from the Social Ministry Committee, and Christ’s blessings on all of you.