Faith Formation – May 2024

Faith Formation – May 2024

Save the MULTIPLE Dates!

SUNDAY, MAY 19 – High School Senior Appreciation: CtK’s 2 High School graduates, Lana Bodewes and Maggie Gardner, will be lifted up during worship at 9:30am. After, at about 10:30am, The Youth will gather in the Community Hall to spend time together and eat some goodies. Please, adults, come in to say “hi” or a word of encouragement to these lovely young women. (Youth Parents, pick-up will be no later than 12 noon, please).

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 – New Wine Church Tour returns to Durango! Remember in 2022, when they brought us a production of BRIGHT STAR? And the Youth fed them pizza before the FREE performance, and then you, the congregation, brought desserts to share after the show? And remember the show was FREE and it was really, really good? And that anyone in the community can attend on June 12th at 7pm (so tell your friends & neighbors)? Well, it’s all happening again – but this time the show is GODSPELL. The big tour bus will show up sometime on Wednesday, June 12 – I’ll let you know when they tell me. CtK Youth will meet them here and we’ll have dinner together. Then you – the congregation and community members – will come to the show at 7pm and after we’ll all share the desserts that you – the congregation –  brought and get to know these fine youth performers from Minnesota.

SUNDAY, JULY 7 – All snacks and supplies must be at CtK by this date, because DAY CAMP 2024 is Monday, July 8 – Thursday, July 11! Can you help support Day Camp with a donation of snacks & supplies?  Find the Wal-Mart and Oriental Trading wish lists by clicking here.  Want to donate money? Use your credit card to donate to the Day Camp Fund here. You can also put a check in the offering plate (Day Camp 2024 in the memo line), or you can give Deacon Mandy cash, which she will label and put in the safe for deposit. Thank you so much!

Faith Formation – Feb. 2024

Faith Formation – Feb. 2024

What do you know about the CtK Library?



And now a ♪ from CtK’s Music Director

The Tune of Your Heart

The source of all life resonates from our Creator and Heavenly Father pulsating in the tunefully beautiful beating of our hearts. When our hearts are in perfect tune, the heart beats on anonymously pulsating in the perfection of rhythm created by the Good Lord.
What about our Spiritual Hearts? Have you thought about that? Read Psalm 150 which reminds us to “Let All Things Praise the Lord.” Combine Psalm 150 with The Lord’s Prayer and perhaps the “Tune of Your Heart” will resound with perfect tuning.
The Chancel Choir, the Praise Band, Soloists, Instrumentalists and the largest CHOIR AT Christ the King—YOU, THE CONGREGATION, through worship tunes praising GOD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) combine to effectively keep our hearts in tune with the Word of God in the name of Jesus Christ!


Patty Mack
Music Director


November 2023 – Faith Formation

November 2023 – Faith Formation

New Women’s Biblical Discussion Group beginning!

Are you ready to embark on a journey of faith and self-discovery? 

In-person Tuesdays from 12-1pm in the Community Hall.

We’ll begin by reading together Kathleen Nielson’s book, “Women & God”, answering hard questions with beautiful truths.

Questions like:

“Is God sexist?” and “What does the Bible really say about women?”

Join a lovely group of women to explore these questions and discern the answers from a biblical standpoint and well as a societal one. Come and meet new friends and deepen extablished friendships – including the one you have with God.

Email Deacon Mandy to order a book (free will donation to cover – or partially cover – the cost if you wish) or order your own paperback or Kindle version here.


And now a ♪ from CtK’s Music Director

Sing to the Lord Thankful tunes with a joyful sound!

As moments of thankfulness prevail during November, it is a perfect time to say thank you to all the musicians who share their time and talents in song here at CtK!
A question for us all to ponder is Hymn 829…Have You Thanked the Lord? Have you praised God’s name? …..Have you knelt in prayer, and rejoiced that, rain or sunshine, our God is there? Hallelujah!…..have you thanked the Lord today?
Perhaps adding Hymn 829 to your daily Bible readings will uplift your heart today! Amen!


Patty Mack
Music Director


October 2023 – Faith Formation

October 2023 – Faith Formation

Deacon Mandy needs your help!

You may have noticed the return of Children’s Time on Sundays. You may have noticed sometimes we have quite a few kids. You may have noticed the kids’ completed Faith Formation crafts and projects on display after worship. You may have noticed the kids having fun and maybe growing in faith.

Let’s keep the momentum going!

Most Sundays, Deacon Mandy is available to teach the kids during the sermon. But some Sundays she is preaching the sermon. Who will take the kids to the Community Hall for a faith-building activity when this happens?

The activities will be planned for you. All you need is the ability to lovingly wrangle kids, deliver a quick message, and help them create. Can you help? Email Deacon Mandy if you can, please and thank you!


And now a ♪ from CtK’s Music Director

The Psalms resonate with both vocal and instrumental music!  Strive to make your daily lives a most glorious symphony of praise! Keep your hearts filled with the light of Christ!
A tuneful tip:  Grab your hymnbook and look up hymns online to listen to or to sing along with or to simply read the words.  Added to your daily Bible study, the tune of your heart will undoubtedly become your own personal symphony of joy! May Jesus Christ be praised!  Amen!
Patty Mack
Music Director

August 2023 – Faith Formation

August 2023 – Faith Formation

Our prayers were answered!

I fretted and complained to anyone within earshot: I only have 4 campers registered for Day Camp! What’s going on?

Then one morning I pulled out my Lutheran Church Basement Coffee mug, and Luther’s words smacked me in the face: “Pray, and let God worry.” So I did. And you all did. And for Day Camp ’23 we ended up with… 23 campers! OK God, I get it. You’re a laugh riot.

We had 4 Rainbow Trail Counselors – see their info below. We had 12 Jr Counselors: Sydney McAllister (happily made good on her promise last year to return), Maddi Robinson (the new kid in town), Lydia Orlowski (tell me time doesn’t fly by!), Ben Andreas (Troop 538 Scout), Makenzie Hjermstad (yup, another Hjermstad generation making an impact at CtK), Addison Ashby (you can count on her always), Emily McVaugh (soccer didn’t steal her away this year), Liam McAllister (his love of math and D&D made him a big hit with the 5th grade boys), Matt Pane (going to college couldn’t keep him away from Day Camp), Maggie Gardner (I didn’t even force her to), Jessi McVaugh (she’s off to college in Washington this fall), and Kristina Bodewes (in between work shifts, even).

Thanks to all who donated food, money, housing, and time. I hear over and over again that the campers and their parents really love this camp. I have no idea why… but also I have a million possibilities. My top 3 are: Rainbow Trail counselors and their expertise, Jr Counselors and their tireless energy, and CtK’s All Are Welcome policy that truly makes these kids from across our community feel safe and loved.

So thanks again to all of you here at CtK. Day Camp could never happen without your support. And thank you Jesus for helping us have a terrific week learning about how you love us and how we can better love and serve you. Please dwell in the hearts of all our campers and counselors – and spur them on to come back next year: July 8-11, 2024!