New Women’s Biblical Discussion Group beginning!

Are you ready to embark on a journey of faith and self-discovery? 

In-person Tuesdays from 12-1pm in the Community Hall.

We’ll begin by reading together Kathleen Nielson’s book, “Women & God”, answering hard questions with beautiful truths.

Questions like:

“Is God sexist?” and “What does the Bible really say about women?”

Join a lovely group of women to explore these questions and discern the answers from a biblical standpoint and well as a societal one. Come and meet new friends and deepen extablished friendships – including the one you have with God.

Email Deacon Mandy to order a book (free will donation to cover – or partially cover – the cost if you wish) or order your own paperback or Kindle version here.


And now a ♪ from CtK’s Music Director

Sing to the Lord Thankful tunes with a joyful sound!

As moments of thankfulness prevail during November, it is a perfect time to say thank you to all the musicians who share their time and talents in song here at CtK!
A question for us all to ponder is Hymn 829…Have You Thanked the Lord? Have you praised God’s name? …..Have you knelt in prayer, and rejoiced that, rain or sunshine, our God is there? Hallelujah!…..have you thanked the Lord today?
Perhaps adding Hymn 829 to your daily Bible readings will uplift your heart today! Amen!


Patty Mack
Music Director