August 2023 – Church Explained

August 2023 – Church Explained

Church Explained

Pastor Tim hosts “Church Explained”, a monthly feature video that includes discussions and brief educational summaries on topics related to CtK and our Lutheran Church, traditions, and faith. This month’s episode kicks off a mini-series about the Liturgy. Enjoy!

August 2023 – In Other News

August 2023 – In Other News

Worship Information

Sunday, 9:30 AM – IN PERSON & LIVE STREAM 

We hope you’ll join us in the CtK Sanctuary and online. All are welcome!

Wednesday “Behold!” 6:00PM – IN PERSON – CtK Community Hall

We are having dinner before Behold! Come and join us for food and fellowship @ 5:26pm prior to the Wednesday evening service.

Thank you for your help in making in-person worship a safe experience for all.  If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Mandy.

News You Can Use

We are calling on everyone to prayerfully consider how you might use your time and talents to help propel CtK forward in this new hybrid in-person/techno-based way of doing church. We have the technology. Now, we need YOU! Currently, we are seeking to fill ALL categories of worship volunteers:

  • Altar Guild Assistants
  • Worship Assistants
    • Ushers
    • Readers
    • Communion assistants
    • Soundboard/camera operators
    • Presentation computer operators
    • Online church host. This person would be basically acting as a “virtual greeter/online chat person” for worship services.

If you feel you might be interested in any of these volunteer positions and/or if you have any questions, please give Deacon Mandy a call (970-247-5310) or touch base with her during the week. Training will be provided for all volunteers. Thanks for your consideration.

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The Chancel Choir is filling the Sanctuary with their melodious voices. The choir meets for rehearsals on Monday evenings from 6:30pm – 7:30pm.

Please contact Jared Wright, Choir Director if you would like to sing. Jared can be reached at 970-759-1834 or email  – All are welcome!


The CtK Handbell Ensemble is ringing out the good news and praises!

This group practices on Sunday mornings @ 8:30am. Please contact Jared Wright, Choir/Music Director or Anita Ashby if you would like to ring. Jared can be reached at the church office or email  – All are welcome!

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The noisy offering partner for August is: Manna Soup Kitchen

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ATTENTION: The code to the lockbox on the front doors of the community hall will be changing on Friday, August 4th. If you have a card on file, please come to the church office to initial your card and get the new door code. Thank you!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! To everyone who helped clean the CtK Kitchen! We have a wonderful space and it means so much that we had super awesome volunteers to help clean.


Save the Dates – August

Sunday, August 6 – Birthday Sunday!  Be sure to join us as we celebrate our CtK members who have birthdays in August! Join us for fellowship and cake! Amen!

Tuesday, August 8 – Online Happy Hour!  Join us for fellowship online beginning at 6:30pm – CLICK HERE TO JOIN

Saturday, August 19 – CtK Hiking Trip!  Be sure to check for details on this upcoming hiking trip. We usually meet at CtK in the mornings for the hike. Details coming soon!

For all events and activities, please check the CtK website for the most current updates.

August 2023 – Fellowship Group News

CtK Piecemaker Quilters

The CtK Piecemakers group meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 10:00am in the Community Hall. We make baptism and prayer quilts for members of our congregation as they are needed. We also make quilts for our local nursing homes and the Navajo Nation through NELM.  We are currently making items for our sale in October. The money that we make from the sale is used to buy batting and fabric for next year’s quilts.

If you would like to quilt, but don’t know how, join us and we will teach you. For other questions, you can contact Judy Olson at (651)303-8450 or


CtK Book Club

Our book club is currently meeting via Zoom on the second Thursday of the month at 3:00 P.M. This month we are reading The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict. It is the story of a black woman who posed as a white woman and became the personal librarian of J.P. Morgan.

We will be reading the following books in the coming months:

September   Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

October        Lightening Strike by Kent Krueger

November    Horse by Geraldine Brooks

December    *Christmas Lunch*


January         Hello Beautiful by Ann Napilatano

February       Mad Honey by Jodi Piccoult

If you have any questions, contact Judy Olson at (651-303-8450) or

August 2023 – Bible Studies

Circle of Contemplative Prayer

The Circle of Contemplative Prayer meets the 1st, 3rd, and (if applicable) 5th Monday at 5:30pm. Silent meditation and prayer sessions are followed by a book discussion.  Currently, the discussion topics delve into the ways the contemplative path calls us to connect our inner search for transformational growth with the external realities of how we live and act, what we eat and wear, etc.

NOTE: Meetings are currently being held via Zoom. For the Zoom link and other pertinent information, please text Sharyn Butler at 970-759-6355.  Thank you.

Great Ol’ Broads of God (GoBoGs)

GoBoGs invites you to join them in study and fellowship each Monday from 4:00-5:30 pm. We are currently reading & discussing “The Book of Hope” by Jane Goodall. Share the Care, GoBoGs’ outreach mission, is addressed upon requests. For more information contact:  Sharyn Butler and/or Dian Jenkins

*NOTE:  We are currently conferencing via Zoom at 592-847-8387; the password for this meeting is Testify.  The Zoom meeting ID is 966-5642-4190.  Please join them for study sessions that are deeply rewarding. For more information, contact Kayla Hefner at 970-759-1636.

Midweek (Thursday) Bible Study led by Pastor Tim & Deacon Mandy

Bible Study class meets on Thursdays from 12:00-1:15 PM.  Attendees can choose to meet for class in-person OR via Zoom. The link to access these meetings via Zoom is:

If you ever misplace this link, you can also find it on our website at:

The “regular password” is needed to access the meeting via Zoom.  If you need the password, contact the church office at 970-247-5310.  We gladly invite and welcome all to join the class. I look forward to seeing each of you!!!

Khuvara (“Circle of Friends”)

We are a group of ladies that meet in the Community Hall every Thursday at 1:15. We are currently meeting on Zoom but hope to meet in person soon. We begin by going around and sharing anything that is concerning us about ourselves, our family or friends, etc. We then have a prayer for people in need in our families, our congregation and friends. We always have a book that we are discussing. Right now we are discussing Finding God In Unexpected Places by Phillip Yancy.  If you would like to join us or have any questions, please contact me at 651-303-8450 or

Spiritual Study Group (SSG)

Our group meets on Thursdays at 3:00pm in the Chapel. For more information, or the Zoom link, contact Aurora Rose. (970-382-1848)

August 2023 — Social Ministry News

August 2023 — Social Ministry News

Greetings and prayers from the Social Ministry Committee,
There are a couple of things of note that we would like to tell you about:
First, it was brought to the committee’s attention (thanks, by the way) that we have been doing the Noisy Offering for the same group of charities over and over for several years.  While we do think that those are groups that deserve our support, it was pointed out there are many other groups out there that are equally deserving.  So, in August, we will have a suggestion box available for members of the congregation to suggest potential new recipients for occasional Noisy Offering proceeds.  We will be repeating this information during services during the month, even though we know everyone reads the newsletter. 
Second, remember that our long postponed (thanks Covid!) trip to Guatemala to visit our mission partners at San Juan Bautista Iglesia Luterana in Zaculeu has finally been scheduled.  We will leave June 26, 2024 and return July 3 the same year.  Please prayerfully consider accompanying us.  Talk to Pastor Tim if you are interested.
The Social Ministry Committee.
Durango Food Bank Update
Many thanks from the Durango Food Bank! The Food Bank provides food assistance to approximately 160 families in Durango and La Plata County. Christ the King’s congregation has donated a total of 199 lbs. from January to June 2023. WOW!!
Gluten free pastas, cereals, cream of wheat, pancake mix, syrups, and canned fruit are needed at this time. All dry foods are greatly appreciated.
Thank you! – Barbara Hawxhurst