Worship Information
Sunday, 9:00 AM – INDOOR & LIVE STREAM
We hope you’ll join us in the CtK Sanctuary. All are welcome! (Masks are recommended)
Wednesday “Behold!” 6:00PM – IN-PERSON—CtK Community Hall + Zoom
Click Here to zoom-in. If you need the password, please contact Pastor Tim.
NOTE: For the time being, we will NOT be having dinner with our Behold! worship service.
Thank you for your help in making in-person worship a safe experience for all. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Tim.
News You Can Use
CtK’s Post-pandemic Opening
As CtK begins to open post-pandemic, we are calling on everyone to prayerfully consider how you might use your time and talents to help propel CtK forward in this new hybrid in-person/techno-based way of doing church. We have the technology. Now, we need YOU! Currently, we are seeking to fill ALL categories of worship volunteers:
- Altar Guild Assistants
- Worship Assistants
- Ushers
- Readers
- Communion assistants
- Soundboard/camera operators
- Presentation computer operators
- Online church host. This person would be basically acting as a “virtual greeter/online chat person” for worship services.
If you feel you might be interested in any of these volunteer positions and/or if you have any questions, please give Pastor Tim a call (970-247-5310) or touch base with him between Sunday services. Training will be provided for all volunteers. Thanks for your consideration. There will also be an opportunity to sign up for all of our volunteer spots during CtK’s Rally Day — “God’s Work. Our Hands.” to be held on Sunday, September 12th. Stay tuned for further details.
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Chancel Choir is once again filling the Sanctuary with their melodious voices. Please contact Jared Wright, Choir/Music Director if you would like to sing. Jared can be reached at
970-759-1834 or email chancelchoir@ctkdurango.org – All are welcome!
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Salvation Army is looking for bell ringers again this year. The system is different, however. If you are interested in ringing, go to their sign-up website. They are ringing through Dec. 24th.
There, you can pick a date, time, and location to ring. CtK has always been very supportive of the Salvation Army’s Christmas campaign. Let’s do the same this year.
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Mission Endowment Fund!
The Mission Endowment Fund Committee of Christ the King Lutheran Church is now accepting grant applications for projects that support the mission of Christ the King. The mission is “To love and serve God by proclaiming Christ’s gospel, strengthening worship, deepening discipleship, and serving our congregation, community and world.” The application deadline is December 15, 2021. The Mission Endowment Fund Grant Application may be found online at http://www.ctkdurango.org/learn-more/documents/. You may file it electronically or print it and submit a hard copy. For further information contact the Mission Endowment Fund at mef@ctkdurango.org, or you may talk with any of us.
Yours in Christ, the CtK Mission Endowment Board.
Holly Gonzales, John Condie, Gary Rollstin, Lynn Mitzlaff, and Megan Reid
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Save the Dates–December
CtK’s Noisy Offering designee for the month
of December is the Community Emergency Assistance Coalition
Looking Ahead
Holiday Hoopla! – Sunday, December 12 at 10-ish am (after 9am Worship)
Build a “Gingerbread” “House” (we use graham crackers, and you certainly don’t have to build a house) with your family and friends. You can build whatever you want with the candy building blocks provided. It always gets everyone into the Christmas Spirit! Let Pastor Tim know if you are planning to join us.
Live Nativity – Sunday, December 19th at 8:30am
Throw on a costume and be a part of CtK’s annual re-creation of the Nativity Story. Show up at 8:30am to be assigned a role and a costume. No memorization or acting experience required – we basically push you out onto the front lawn when your part of the story is told. It’s super easy and super fun for ALL ages. Bring your well-behaved dogs and we’ll put them in costumes, too. Let Deacon Mandy know if you can be a part of the holy hilarity.
Christmas Eve Services – Friday, December 24th at 5:00pm & 7:00pm
Be sure to join us on Christmas Eve for our live, in-person worship services. We will live-stream the service at 5:00pm. Join us in-person or online @ 5:00pm. Come celebrate this very special time of year with us here at CtK! https://ctkdurango.online.church
For all events and activities, please check the CtK website for the most current updates.