Ministry Fair
Get involved at CtK by lending your time and talents to our M-Teams.
Below are just a few of the ways each M-Team contributes to the life of CtK.
Which one calls to YOU?
Keep CtK humming along by helping with facility upkeep and improvement.
Assist CtK staff with computer and tech needs from answering phones to data entry.
Discover ways we can be better stewards by joining the Audit Team.
Get to know one another by being a teller – counting the Sunday offerings – once a month, every other month, whenever your time allows.
For more information about the facility, email David Gonzales.
Join the Altar Guild and prepare and decorate the sanctuary for weekly and special worship services.
Learn how to run the Livestream camera and ProPresenter screens at the Sunday morning worship service.
Be a Lay Reader – if you can read while holding a mic, you’re qualified.
Make music to the Lord with whatever instrument you use best: your voice, a piano, a guitar, a washboard.
Email Lynn Mitzlaff for more information.
Help plan Youth Group events and fundraisers.
Teach Sunday School to children or adults.
Get creative with Bible study classes.
Volunteer for Day Camp or chaperone Youth Lock-ins.
Bring the generations together with inter-generational faith-building opportunities.
Email Addison Ashby for more information.
Sign up to bring goodies for fellowship between or after worship services on Sundays.
Plan or simply support with your presence CtK outdoors and/or creative events.
Learn how to quilt with the CtK Piecemakers.
Invite your friends to a super-exciting event you helped plan, then ask if they want to join you and their new CtK friends at worship on Sunday.
Email Lisa Weber (Council Secretary) or Addison Ashby for more information.
Join the Social Ministry Team and learn how CtK supports the Durango Community and beyond.
Volunteer at Manna Soup Kitchen.
Build a house with Habitat for Humanity.
Advocate for a marginalized population.
Email Greg Quick (Council Vice President) for more information.
Get the word out about CtK through any media you’re good at – even if that’s just sharing CtK Facebook posts.
Help support the La Plata Family Center programs and invite them to CtK’s.
Interact with CtK’s sponsored Scout Troops during Troop Sunday or helping Eagle Scouts take on projects at CtK.
Help collect, curate, and protect CtK’s historical items.
Email Paul Plvan or Jacob & Shawn Johnston for more information.