December 2020 – Youth Group News

December 2020 – Youth Group News

The Best Zoomed Christmas Pageant Ever

Since we can’t get together to do the Live Nativity this year, the Christmas Pageant has been re-imagined for 2020 with CtK’s Youth in mind. Specifically, all eight Youth who are going to the Youth Gathering in 2022.

We absolutely can’t wait for you to see it. The premiere will be during the 9:15am Zoom Worship Service on December 20th.

And if you like it, why not donate to their Youth Gathering fund? Go to and give them a little Christmas bonus.

December 2020 — In Our Prayers

December 2020 — In Our Prayers

Please keep the following Military men and women in your prayers…

To add or remove names from this list, please contact Linda

  • 1st Lt. Mitch Bugaj stationed in Germany–Nephew of Ronnie Zaday
  • Major Ryan Bankhead—Brother of Eryn Orlowski
  • Sgt. John Dee—Son in-law of Wendy Krull
  • Sgt. Chris Gomez—Nephew of BJ and Danny Pierce
  • Staff Sergeant (SSgt.) Airman Paul Herr—Nephew of Gary & Carol Orlowski
  • Hugh Jones, Jr. Sailor—Son of Rick & Janeann Jones
  • Sgt. Brandon Minser —Son in-law of Wendy Krull
  • LCDR Andy Schaaf—Son of Merilee and Mark Fleming
  • Major Clayton Stransky—Nephew of Kip and Laura Stransky
  • Master Sargent Stephen Van Dover—Nephew of Nancy Van Dover

CtK family & friends who are in need of prayer…

To add or remove names from this list, please contact Linda White

  • The Family of Mary Southworth
  • The Family of Larry Rardin
  • The Family of Beverly Dittmer
  • The Family of William Buslee
  • The Family of Jigger Staby
  • The Family of David Smith
  • Carol Orlowski
  • Bonnie Jung
  • Roger Landgren
  • Julie Williams
  • Laura Stransky
  • Dottie Johnson
  • Larry & Lauren Rardin
  • Darlene Warring
  • Bonnie Rossmiller
  • LuLu Mae Hess
  • Bev Brown
  • Lori Lachelt
  • Kayla Hefner
  • Carol Gunderson
  • CtK’s ministry and partnership with both the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, AZ and San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church in Zaculeu, Guatemala.
  • CtK’s Homebound Ministry and all those who serve our homebound members through this ministry.
  • Mandy Gardner, CtK’s Director of Faith Formation.  She was approved for Endorsement by the Rocky Mountain Synod.
  • All those battling mental illness and addictions.
  • Each person in our CtK church family.
  • All the front-line workers striving to keep Durango and our surrounding community safe, healthy, fed, educated, and mentally and spiritually fulfilled during the Covid-19 crisis.  May God bless and protect EVERYONE!
December 2020 Bible Studies

December 2020 Bible Studies


Bible Studies

Circle of Contemplative Prayer

The Circle of Contemplative Prayer meetings are currently being held via ZoomTheir current study book is “The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth” by Christopher Heuertz.  For the Zoom link and other pertinent information, please text Sharyn Butler at 970-759-6355.  Thank you.

Great Ol’ Broads of God (GoBoGs)

GoBoGs invites you to join them in study and fellowship each Monday from 4:00-5:30 pm. (The first Monday of each month is dedicated to Share the Care, GoBoGs’ outreach mission.) They are currently studying “Holy Envy” by Barbara Brown Taylor.  NOTE:  During the health crisis, they are conferencing via Zoom at 592-847-8387; the password for this meeting is Testify.  The Zoom meeting ID is 966-5642-4190.  Please join them for study sessions that are deeply rewarding. For more information, contact Kayla Hefner at 970-759-1636.

Midweek Bible Study led by Pastor Tim

Bible Study class metings on Thursdays from 12:00-1:15 PM are currently on hiatus until further notice due to the pandemic.  We hope to be able to Zoom classes again soon.  Thank you.  Stay safe. Stay well. 

Khuvara (“Circle of Friends”)

The Khuvara Women’s Group is starting a new book for discussion entitled, “Everyone’s Normal till You Get to Know Them” by John Ortberg.  We are currently meeting each Thursday at 1:00 pm at Fassbinder Park.  Please wear a mask and bring a lawn chair.  All women are welcome, and we gladly invite new members to join us. If you have any questions, please call Stella at 970-903-9327.

Spiritual Study Group (SSG)

Currently, the Spiritual Study Group meetings are suspended until further notice due to Covid-19.  For more information, contact Aurora Rose.  

December 2020 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

December 2020 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

Reinventing Christmas

As we flip yet another page on our calendars to reveal the month of December, I admit my heart is heavy to think of all the stuff that happens in this month that won’t happen this year. At least, not in the same way. Having a young child clumsily wield the lighted acolyte torch to light the advent wreath at worship is always entertaining, but that won’t happen this year. Standing out in the cold with yappy, happy dogs for our annual Live Nativity is always memorable, but that won’t happen this year. Passing the candle flame from person to person throughout a filled sanctuary as we sing “Silent Night” is always moving, but that won’t happen this year.

This December may come with significant grief as we mourn the things that we have been robbed of due to the pandemic. So, let’s just take a moment to acknowledge that…


Okay. Now, let’s think about how we can reinvent these things! Lighting the advent wreath in worship will still happen this year. But it will require YOU to have a few candles out at the place where you join me in online worship. Or dig out those no-flame wreaths that the children at CtK made a few years ago, and put one of the stick flames in that tube to mark off the weeks. It’s not the same, but it’ll connect all of us together this year!

We had hoped to still do the Live Nativity in person this year, but current restrictions have led us to abandon that hope and plan to do it online instead. So, thanks to Mandy Gardner and our awesome CtK Youth, we will still have an amazing Live Nativity to watch during worship on Sunday, December 20! We’ve been working on putting it together for some time already, and it’s amazing. You’re gonna’ want to see it. Again, it’s not the same, but it’ll connect all of us together this year!

Candle lighting at Christmas Eve worship… well, there’s no good way to recreate that. Christmas Eve will just feel off for many of us this year without the opportunity to be together in person. But we’re doing our best to create a phenomenal online Christmas Eve worship service that you and your family can watch at home. Our musicians have been hard at work creating the music and visuals for this service already, and I’m excited to watch it all come together. Again, it’s not the same, but it’ll connect all of us together this year.

One more event in December is also still happening this year, albeit differently: Holiday Hoopla! This annual event brings together people of all ages to build “gingerbread” (actually graham cracker) “houses” (rarely do people build houses). The event will still take place this year, but this year you can participate from the comfort of your own home! RSVP is required so that we know how much candy building supplies we need to purchase. We will make pre-measured kits for participants to pick up at the church the week of December 6. Then, connect with others on Zoom on Sunday, December 13 starting at 2:30pm for the building competition! It’s not the same, but it’ll connect all of us together this year!

Thank you to all of you at CtK for your flexibility and patience these last many months. And, although this year will be different, I hope that you will join me in celebrating Advent and Christmas in reimagined ways.


Pastor Tim

December 2020–In Other News. . .

December 2020–In Other News. . .

Communion Sign-Up

La Plata County moved into Covid-19 Dial Level Red on Friday, November 20th, so we are discontinuing our option for INDOOR Communion services until further notice.  However, we will still have the OUTDOOR DRIVE-IN Communion service, although we will have to skip this service on both November 22nd and 29th.  We’ll start up again on Sunday, December 6th at 1:00pm.  Please sign up HERE so we can ensure we have adequate communion supplies on hand.

Procedures for the 1:00pm OUTDOOR DRIVE-IN Communion Service:

  • Participants are to remain in their cars for the duration of the service.
  • For convenience, please write down any prayer requests you have on a piece of paper. These will be collected once you arrive at the church parking lot.
  • Sound for the communion service will be transmitted to your car radio on 96.5 FM.
  • The communion elements will be brought to you in your car.

Thank you for your help in making this a safe experience for all.  If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Tim.


Save the Dates–December

Sunday, December 13th:  CtK’s Annual Holiday Hoopla and gingerbread-“house”-making contest.  It will be virtual this year.  Click Here to sign up.

Sunday, December 20th:  Virtual Christmas Pageant presented by the CtK Youth, during the 9:15am Worship Service.

Tuesday, December 24th:  Chistmas Eve Worship.  Worship will be premiered on Vimeo this year and accessible to anyone.  Stay tuned for the info.

For all events and activities, please check the CtK website for updates.