Communion Sign-Up
La Plata County moved into Covid-19 Dial Level Red on Friday, November 20th, so we are discontinuing our option for INDOOR Communion services until further notice. However, we will still have the OUTDOOR DRIVE-IN Communion service, although we will have to skip this service on both November 22nd and 29th. We’ll start up again on Sunday, December 6th at 1:00pm. Please sign up HERE so we can ensure we have adequate communion supplies on hand.
Procedures for the 1:00pm OUTDOOR DRIVE-IN Communion Service:
- Participants are to remain in their cars for the duration of the service.
- For convenience, please write down any prayer requests you have on a piece of paper. These will be collected once you arrive at the church parking lot.
- Sound for the communion service will be transmitted to your car radio on 96.5 FM.
- The communion elements will be brought to you in your car.
Thank you for your help in making this a safe experience for all. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Tim.
Save the Dates–December
Sunday, December 13th: CtK’s Annual Holiday Hoopla and gingerbread-“house”-making contest. It will be virtual this year. Click Here to sign up.
Sunday, December 20th: Virtual Christmas Pageant presented by the CtK Youth, during the 9:15am Worship Service.
Tuesday, December 24th: Chistmas Eve Worship. Worship will be premiered on Vimeo this year and accessible to anyone. Stay tuned for the info.
For all events and activities, please check the CtK website for updates.