June 2021 Fellowship Group News

June 2021 Fellowship Group News

CtK Piecemaker Quilters

The Piecemaker Quilters continue to meet regularly on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 10 am until 2 pm.  Everyone is welcomed to join us.  Currently, the quilters are busy crafting quilts for their Fall Quilt Sale which will take place on Sunday, August 8th and 15th before and after worship services (~ 8:30am—11:30am).  The quilts will be displayed in the CtK Community Hall for your shopping convenience.  For more information about meeting and/or the quilt sale, please call Stella Welcher at 970-903-9327.  We look forward to seeing everyone soon! 

CtK Book Club

The CtK Book Club meets on the second Thursday of each month at 3PM outside in the CtK Columbarium. On Thursday, June 10th, we will be discussing “Migrations,” a book by Charlotte McConaghy.  Then in July on the 8th, we’ll discuss “Circling the Sun” by Paula McLain; “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig is the discussion for August 12th; and on September 9th, we’ll discuss Stephanie Marie Thornton’s “American Princess.”

You are invited to join us–anyone can attend one or more book discussions.   If you are interested in attending, please call Stella Welcher at 970-903-9327. 


June 2021–In Other News

June 2021–In Other News

Summer Worship Schedule

Sunday, 9:00 AM – INDOOR-IN-PERSON and LIVE STREAMED from the CtK Sanctuary.  Those who wish to join us for our IN-PERSON worship service in the Sanctuary must sign up in advance. You can do so by navigating to our sign-up hub on our website (https://www.ctkdurango.org/signup/). If you do not have access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone to sign up on your own, please notify Pastor Tim or the Church Office of your intent to be present.   At this time, we can accommodate up to 30 people in the Sanctuary.  Masks must be worn at all times, and physical distancing between households is required.

Sunday, 10:30 AM – IN-PERSON, OUTDOOR (front lawn/parking lot)

Sign-up is not required; however, if you are not in your vehicle, masks must be worn, and physical distancing between households is required.

Wednesday, 6:00PM – IN-PERSON, OUTDOOR (front lawn/parking lot)

NOTE:  We will NOT have dinner with our Behold! worship service for the time being, and we are still investigating how to make this service an effective hybrid experience — that is, in-person AND online.  So, stay tuned for that.

Thank you for your help in making worship a safe experience for all.  If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Tim.

Save the Dates–June

CtK’s Noisy Offering deignee for the month of June is

Durango’s Manna Soup Kitchen

No special events or actvities are currently planned for the month of June.  Check the CtK website for up-to-the minute changes.

Looking Ahead

Monday-Friday, July 12th through 16th8:30am—12:30pm for kids entering K—6th grade in the Fall of 2021. Click HERE for info/registration.

Saturday/Sunday, July 31st-August 1st– CtK’s Annual Campout at Chris Park/Haviland Lake.  Stay tuned for details.

Sunday, August 8th & 15th– CtK Quilters’ Fall Quilt Sale in the CtK Community Hall. The quilts will be displayed in the Community Hall for your shopping convenience between  8:30am—11:30am.

For all events and activities, please check the CtK website for the most current updates. 



June 2021 — In Our Prayers

June 2021 — In Our Prayers

Please keep the following Military men and women in your prayers…

To add or remove names from this list, please contact Linda

  • 1st Lt. Mitch Bugaj stationed in Germany–Nephew of Ronnie Zaday
  • Major Ryan Bankhead—Brother of Eryn Orlowski
  • Sgt. John Dee—Son in-law of Wendy Krull
  • Sgt. Chris Gomez—Nephew of BJ and Danny Pierce
  • Staff Sergeant (SSgt.) Airman Paul Herr—Nephew of Gary & Carol Orlowski
  • Hugh Jones, Jr. Sailor—Son of Rick & Janeann Jones
  • Sgt. Brandon Minser —Son in-law of Wendy Krull
  • LCDR Andy Schaaf—Son of Merilee and Mark Fleming
  • Major Clayton Stransky—Nephew of Kip and Laura Stransky
  • Master Sargent Stephen Van Dover—Nephew of Nancy Van Dover

CtK family & friends who are in need of prayer…

To add or remove names from this list, please contact Linda White

  • The Family of Ann Duft
  • The Family of LuLu Mae (Sue) Hess
  • Laura Stransky
  • Stella Welcher
  • Carol Orlowski
  • Roger Landgren
  • Julie Williams
  • Dottie Johnson
  • Larry & Lauren Rardin
  • Darlene Warring
  • Bonnie Rossmiller
  • Bev Brown
  • Lori Lachelt
  • Kayla Hefner
  • Carol Gunderson
  • Deacon Mandy Gardner who was Ordained and Installed by Bishop Gonia on May 23rd.
  • CtK’s ministry and partnership with both the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, AZ and San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church in Zaculeu, Guatemala.
  • CtK’s Homebound Ministry and all those who serve our homebound members through this ministry.
  • All those battling mental illness and addictions.
  • Each person in our CtK church family.
  • All the front-line workers striving to keep Durango and our surrounding community safe, healthy, fed, educated, and mentally and spiritually fulfilled during the Covid-19 crisis.  May God bless and protect EVERYONE!

June 2021 Bible Studies

June 2021 Bible Studies


Bible Studies

Circle of Contemplative Prayer

The Circle of Contemplative Prayer meets each Monday from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Silent meditation and prayer sessions are followed by a book discussion. Currently, the discussion topics delve into the ways the contemplative path calls us to connect our inner search for transformational growth with the external realities of how we live and act, what we eat and wear, etc.

NOTE: Meetings are currently being held via Zoom. For the Zoom link and other pertinent information, please text Sharyn Butler at 970-759-6355.  Thank you.

Great Ol’ Broads of God (GoBoGs)

GoBoGs invites you to join them in study and fellowship each Monday from 4:00-5:30 pm. Share the Care, GoBoGs’ outreach mission, is addressed upon requests.  They are currently finishing a study based on “The Book of Longings” by Sue Monk Kidd.  The next study will focus on the book, “You Are Loved and Free” by Micah Ruth.  Also, during the Lenten Season, they are discussing contemporary reflection questions relating to this season’s Gospel scriptures, as posed by Father Kevin.

NOTE:  During the health crisis, they are conferencing via Zoom at 592-847-8387; the password for this meeting is Testify.  The Zoom meeting ID is 966-5642-4190.  Please join them for study sessions that are deeply rewarding. For more information, contact Kayla Hefner at 970-759-1636.

Midweek Bible Study led by Pastor Tim

Bible Study class meets on Thursdays from 12:00-1:15 PM.  Beginning Thursday, June 3rd, we will meet Indoor, in-person AND ZOOM. We are studying the Petrine Epistles (1 & 2 Peter) and currently reading the first chapter of 1 Peter.

Invite others to join us if you’d like! The link to access these meetings via Zoom is located below.


If you ever misplace this link, you can also find it on our website at https://www.ctkdurang.org/worship. If you need the password to access the class, call Pastor Tim at 970-426-9681.

I look forward to seeing you all!!!

Khuvara (“Circle of Friends”)

The Khuvara Women’s Group current book discussion focuses on “Book of Joy” by Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams.  All women are encouraged and welcome to attend— we gladly invite new members to join us.  We meet each Thursday from 1:00pm-2:30pm outside in the CtK Columbarium.  For more info, call Stella at 970-903-9327.  

Spiritual Study Group (SSG)

Currently, the Spiritual Study Group meetings are suspended until further notice due to Covid-19.  For more information, contact Aurora Rose.  

June 2021 — Social Ministry News

June 2021 — Social Ministry News

 Habitat for Humanity–Last chance to sign up!

This Saturday, June 5, CtK volunteers will be working on the Habitat Home located at 823 Burnham Lane, Fox Farms, in Bayfield.  If you would like to come join us, please call Rap Fairley, 410-474-3571, to sign up .  Hopefully we will either be framing or putting up exterior siding.  Work starts at 8:30 am and should end around 3:30 pm.  The usual requirements still apply:  wear sensible clothing, closed toe shoes and bring a hat, sunscreen and whatever tools you want.  But  LABEL your tools!  Everyone participating needs to sign a waiver which will be available on site.  Volunteers will be contacted the week of the build with additional information.

COVID modifications:  We will be working with people from Americorp; everyone on site will be vaccinated.  If you are uncomfortable with this, please bring a mask.  At this time, Habitat is not providing on site water nor is CtK providing lunch…maybe next year.  Volunteers should bring their own water and lunch.

If you have questions, please call Rap Fairley at 410-474-3571.