“Behold, I make all things new.” ~ Revelation 21:5
CtK Currently Remains Closed. . .
Orders from the governor’s office and recommendations from the Office of the Bishop have led us to the conclusion that we must extend our suspension of in-person worship services and meetings through May 10, 2020, at which point we will re-evaluate the safety of in-person gatherings. At this time, worship services for Wednesdays at 6pm and Sundays at 9:15am (worship, then fellowship) are offered online via Zoom; Thursday Noon Bible Study is also offered online each week. It is hoped that the form of these online services will be meaningful to you. (*For more information on Zoom webinars, please refer to the webinar links list below).
Christ the King Lutheran Church continues to need your financial support, especially in this time of need. Giving financially to Christ the King Lutheran Church is vital to continue these ministries that work to sustain and strengthen you and your faith in these trying times. You can give to Christ the King Lutheran Church in many ways. Visit https://www.ctkdurango.org/learn-more/give for more information and links to give online.
During this unprecedented time in our lives, you are encouraged to do whatever you can to promote the public health, especially for those who are most vulnerable. If you are healthy and are able to help with grocery shopping, to run errands, or help in any other way, please email pastortim@ctkdurango.org. He will do his best to connect those who have needs to those who have offered their help.
Remember to take care of yourselves. Go for walks. Laugh and talk with neighbors (from a safe distance and wearing your facemask). Wash your hands well and often. Enjoy the beauty of creation in which we live. Get off your computer and away from news and just read a book for a while. Play a board game. Take part in fun faith formation resources that we have available to you online at www.ctkdurango.org Be patient, kind, and compassionate as always. Remember that this hardship will come to an end. Pray that it comes quickly.
* Webinar Links
Each Sunday until further notice, at 9:15am please join Pastor Tim for Sunday’s Worship Webinar and Fellowship. You can access Sunday’s worship webinar by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/530311237
Fellowship Time after ALL of our worship services (Wednesdays and Sundays) can be accessed by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/3445934929.
Each Thursday at Noon please join me for our Thursday Bible Study, where we are just finishing up our study on 2 Thessalonians. You can join me for that Bible Study by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/698922754.
If you have any trouble accessing these meeting sites, please let me know. You can email me at pastortim@ctkdurango.org, or call at 970-426-9681.
CtK Recognizes and Honors 2020 Graduates!
Graduation is a very special time of the year for those graduating. Sadly, most of this year’s graduates will experience less than a normal graduation due to Covid-19. Consequently, it is even more important to be able to recognize and honor the accomplishments of CtK’s fine, young adults who will be going on to the next stage of their journey. Please offer up a special prayer of hope for their future successes.
Emily Fogel
2020 Graduate of Grand Canyon University
Future plans: unknown at this time
Emily is the daughter of Janet & Dennis Fogel
Margaret Ann (Maggie) Gardner
2020 Graduate of St. Columba School
Future plans: Durango High School
Special Honors: Honor Roll; Good Conduct; 6th & 8th Grade St. Columba Awards
Maggie is the daughter of Mandy Gardner
Clara Grace Wolf
2020 Graduate of Animas High School
Future Plans: Pursue a Nursing Degree at either the University of Lynchburg, VA or
the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO (both schools have extended application deadlines at this time)
Special Honors: Scholarships which Clara applied for have extended their award dates,
so no news at this time.
Clara is the daughter of Janet & Jon Wolf
Important Events:
NOTE: Given the current pandemic crisis, the following dates are “tentative” at this time. Please continue to check our CtK Website for updates. Unless otherwise noted, all worship services in May will be via Zoom — see above “Webinar Links” for more info, or email pastortim@ctkdurango.org Thank you!
Friday/Saturday, May 1st/2nd — “Virtual” Rocky Mtn. Synod Assembly (CtK voting representatives: David & Wendy Gonzales)
Sunday, May 31st — Pentecost Sunday. Remember to wear RED!
Sunday, May 31st — This day is also the date for CtK’s Congregational Meeting. Due to the pandemic, there will be a Congregational Virtual Meeting at 10:30 AM immediately following the 9:15 AM Virtual Worship Service. For Virtual Meeting information & meeting materials go to: https://www.ctkdurango.org/learn-more/documents/ or call Pastor Tim for more information: 970-426-9681.
Friday, June 26th thru Sunday June 28th – CtK’s Church-wide Campout at Chris Park; ONLY ONE 10:30am Worship at CtK on Sunday, June 28th.
Monday, July 6th thru Friday, July 10th – CtK Day Camp