In Other News – Feb. 2024

In Other News – Feb. 2024

Worship Information

Sunday, 9:30 AM – IN PERSON & LIVE STREAM 

We hope you’ll join us in the CtK Sanctuary and online. All are welcome!

Wednesday “Behold!” 6:00PM – IN PERSON – CtK Community Hall

We are having dinner before Behold! Come and join us for food and fellowship @ 5:26pm prior to the Wednesday evening service.

Thank you for your help in making in-person worship a safe experience for all.  If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Tim or Deacon Mandy.

News You Can Use

We are calling on everyone to prayerfully consider how you might use your time and talents to help propel CtK forward in this new hybrid in-person/techno-based way of doing church. We have the technology. Now, we need YOU!

If you feel you might be interested in any of these volunteer positions and/or if you have any questions, please give Deacon Mandy a call (970-247-5310) or touch base with her during the week. Training will be provided for all volunteers. Thanks for your consideration.

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The CtK Praise Ensemble, “Lost, Found, & Redeemed” is rocking the rafters in the Sanctuary. Our rehearsals are Monday evenings from 5:15pm – 6:15pm.

The Chancel Choir is filling the Sanctuary with their melodious voices. The choir meets for rehearsals on Monday evenings from 6:15pm – 7:15pm.

Please contact Jared Wright, Choir Director if you would like to sing. Jared can be reached at 970-759-1834 or email  – All are welcome!

The CtK Handbell Ensemble is ringing out the good news and praises! This group practices on Sunday mornings @ 8:30am. Please contact Jared Wright, Choir Director or Anita Ashby if you would like to ring. Jared can be reached at the church office or email  – All are welcome!

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The noisy offering partner for February & March is: ELCA World Hunger

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Save the Dates – February

Sunday, Feb. 4 – Join us for Scout Sunday! Scout Troop 538 will be with us and will have a short presentation and will host our after church fellowship time.

Sunday, Feb. 4 – Birthday Sunday!  Be sure to join us as we celebrate our CtK members who have birthdays in February! Join us for fellowship and cake! Amen!

Tuesday, Feb. 6 – From 3pm – 5pm La Plata Family Centers Coalition pairs with Morehart Murphy to give away coats, warm clothes, and more! Be sure to contact LPFCC for more info.

Sunday, Feb. 11 – Fat Tuesday Celebration!  Laissez les bon temp rouler! Come celebrate a Mardi gras themed fellowhip after our 9:30am worship service.

Sunday, Feb. 11 – Superbowl Sunday!  Be sure to join us as we cheer for our favorite teams in fellowship! Bring your favorite “football game” themed snack and come to the Community Hall and watch the Superbowl!

Wednesday, Feb. 14 – Join us for our annual Ash Wednesday service. We will have a Soup Supper before our service during our usual “Behold!” worship time. Dinner at 5:26pm and our Ash Wednesday Service at 6:00pm.

Thursday, Feb. 15 – From 2pm – 6pm, the La Plata Family Centers Coalition will be offering a free Dental Screen for kids. Contact LPFCC for more info.

Saturday, Feb. 24 – Scouting for Food!  Be sure to join Scout Troop 538 as they round up food for good causes. The truck will be parked in the CtK parking lot from 9am – 12pm. Drive-Thru and donate some nonperishables. Amen!

***Coming Up in MARCH:

Wednesday, March 13 – VOA Shelter from the Storm Event  – David Smith will be representing CtK as the Table Captain. More news coming soon!

Lent, Holy Week, Easter Eve, EASTER!!! Coming Soon!!

For all events and activities, please check the CtK website for the most current updates.

November 2023 — Social Ministry News

November 2023 — Social Ministry News

Christ the King – Mission Endowment Fund

Grant Application Deadline! = 15 December, 2023

What is the Mission Endowment Fund?

The fund was designed to support Christ the King Lutheran Church in its mission.  The Fund receives unrestricted gifts and bequests from congregation members and their families, and friends of Christ the King.

This is a permanent endowment fund that is separate and distinct from the everyday operating funds of the church.  The assets are held by the ELCA Endowment Fund Trust to provide for their long-term stability and growth, so donors can be confident that their gifts will endure to continue God’s work within our congregation, the community of Durango, and the world.

How do I apply for a Mission Endowment Fund Grant?

Applications can be made at any time of the year, but the Board meets once a year, in January, to review all applications that were received prior to December 15st of the previous year.

The application form can be found on the Christ the King website at in a fillable PDF format.

To submit it, you may email to

Or it can be mailed to the church at

Mission Endowment Fund

Christ the King Lutheran Church

495 Florida Road

Durango, Colorado  81301-4730

If you have questions about filling out the application, or what kinds of projects or agencies might be appropriate, feel free to contact the board at  Or, of course, you may talk with any of us at church.

Yours in Christ,

The MEF Board

John Condie, Lynn Mitzlaff, Megan Reid, Renate Widder, and Gary Rollstin


Christmas is coming, AGAIN!
The Social Ministry Team invites you all to participate in the ELCA Good Gifts program that keeps on giving. Using the online catalogue, you can choose from more than 50 sustainable gifts, in honor of family and friends, to give to people throughout the world who are in desperate need.
Go to, to start shopping.

There is still MORE!!!!!
Don’t forget to put Colorado Gives Day on your calendar! This year it will be held on Tuesday, 12/5/23. This year donations made starting Nov. 1, 2023 through Dec. 5, 2023 will qualify to become part of the Incentive Fund. All nonprofits receive a % of the fund equal to the % they raise for the Colorado Gives Day program. Raise 10%, get 10% of the Incentive Fund.
Go to, choose donate and then location for local and statewide non-profits.

Let’s spread the love!



The holidays are fast approaching, and with them, the opportunities to share our blessings with others. This year we have three of those opportunities to highlight.

First, as we have for 30-some years, we will be making the stuffing for the Community Thanksgiving Dinner. As always, we will meet at Manna Soup Kitchen beginning at 4 pm on Tuesday, November 22nd. We will chop veggies, sauté sausage, and tear bread until we have 25 full pans of stuffing. It is always a wonderful fellowship event, and a huge service to the community.

Second, as we have for 1-some years, we will be doing a gift collection for our Mission partner, the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, Arizona. Tags with needed items will be posted in the Welcome Center. We will ask you to take one or more tags and purchase the item thereon. Look for these shortly after Thanksgiving.

Third, Colorado Gives Day is coming up. We want to acquaint you with this opportunity to painlessly increase the value of your donations to local charities. Donations made to non-profit organizations that have signed up will be supplemented by some percentage from the Community First Foundation. The percentage depends on total giving to all participating organizations. This year, despite the Colorado Gives “Day” title, giving begins November 1st and continues until the “Day,” December 5th. All donations made during this time qualify for the incentive. For more information, check their website,


Ctk’s Noisy Offering began years ago during a time of uncertainty with the church’s budget. Tithing was down, and in the absence of knowing just how much financial gifts the church would receive each month, the Social Ministry budget was cut. This meant that local, necessary, and beloved organizations like Manna, the Food Bank, VOA of SW CO, and others would not receive monies they previously counted on. So the Noisy Offering at CTK was born. Metal cans were passed after the Offering plate, so that coins – change – placed in the buckets would not only make a joyful noise, but the change itself represented the change it was making in the receiving organization and the greater community. The joyful noise of the noisy offering reminds us that giving is much more than a duty. Your regular tithe goes to CtK operating costs and to her ministries, which do include the noisy offering recipients through the social Ministry budget – because giving is a duty and a joy!

CTk’s Noisy Offering is also a way we teach our children the importance of giving and serving. Often our children are passing the noisy offering can, and that’s by design. So especially when a tiny hand passes you the can, remember a tiny face is watching – so joyfully plunk in your change and let the noise ring out!

If you have a non-profit that you want to see included as a Noisy offering recipient, put your suggestion in the box on the credenza in the Welcome Center.

November 2023 – Bible Studies

Circle of Contemplative Prayer

The Circle of Contemplative Prayer meets the 1st, 3rd, and (if applicable) 5th Monday at 5:30pm. Silent meditation and prayer sessions are followed by a book discussion.  Currently, the discussion topics delve into the ways the contemplative path calls us to connect our inner search for transformational growth with the external realities of how we live and act, what we eat and wear, etc.

NOTE: Meetings are currently being held via Zoom. For the Zoom link and other pertinent information, please text Sharyn Butler at 970-759-6355.  Thank you.

Great Ol’ Broads of God (GoBoGs)

GoBoGs invites you to join them in study and fellowship each Monday from 4:00-5:30 pm. We are currently reading & discussing “The Book of Hope” by Jane Goodall. Share the Care, GoBoGs’ outreach mission, is addressed upon requests. For more information contact:  Sharyn Butler and/or Dian Jenkins

*NOTE:  We are currently conferencing via Zoom at 592-847-8387; the password for this meeting is Testify.  The Zoom meeting ID is 966-5642-4190.  Please join them for study sessions that are deeply rewarding. For more information, contact Kayla Hefner at 970-759-1636.

Women’s Bible Study (Tuesdays) led by Deacon Mandy

This newly formed group meets on Tuesdays from 12:00-1:15 PM. We are currently discussing “Women & God” by Kathleen Nielsen. We hope you can come and join us each week!

Please RSVP to Deacon Mandy if you plan on joining us for the Tuesday sessions. Email: Email Deacon Mandy HERE

To purchase the current book – CLICK HERE

Midweek (Thursday) Bible Study led by Pastor Tim & Deacon Mandy

Bible Study class meets on Thursdays from 12:00-1:15 PM.  Attendees can choose to meet for class in-person OR via Zoom. The link to access these meetings via Zoom is:

If you ever misplace this link, you can also find it on our website at:

The “regular password” is needed to access the meeting via Zoom.  If you need the password, contact the church office at 970-247-5310.  We gladly invite and welcome all to join the class. I look forward to seeing each of you!!!

Khuvara (“Circle of Friends”)

We are a group of ladies that meet every Thursday at 1:15. We are currently meeting on Zoom but hope to meet in person soon. We begin by going around and sharing anything that is concerning us about ourselves, our family or friends, or someone in the congregation. We then have a prayer for people in need in our families, our congregation and friends. We always have a book that we are discussing. Right now we are discussing Finding God In Unexpected Places by Phillip Yancy.  If you would like to join us or have any questions, please contact me at 651-303-8450 or

Spiritual Study Group (SSG)

Our group meets on Thursdays at 3:00pm in the Chapel. For more information, or the Zoom link, contact Aurora Rose. (970-382-1848)