April 2023 – In Other News

April 2023 – In Other News

Worship Information

Sunday, 9:30 AM – INDOOR & LIVE STREAM 

We hope you’ll join us in the CtK Sanctuary and online. All are welcome!

Wednesday “Behold!” 6:00PM – IN-PERSON – CtK Community Hall

We are having dinner before Behold! Come and join us for food and fellowship @ 5:26pm prior to the Wednesday evening service.

Thank you for your help in making in-person worship a safe experience for all.  If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Mandy.

News You Can Use

We are calling on everyone to prayerfully consider how you might use your time and talents to help propel CtK forward in this new hybrid in-person/techno-based way of doing church. We have the technology. Now, we need YOU! Currently, we are seeking to fill ALL categories of worship volunteers:

  • Altar Guild Assistants
  • Worship Assistants
    • Ushers
    • Readers
    • Communion assistants
    • Soundboard/camera operators
    • Presentation computer operators
    • Online church host. This person would be basically acting as a “virtual greeter/online chat person” for worship services.

If you feel you might be interested in any of these volunteer positions and/or if you have any questions, please give Deacon Mandy a call (970-247-5310) or touch base with her during the week. Training will be provided for all volunteers. Thanks for your consideration.

* * * * *

The Chancel Choir is filling the Sanctuary with their melodious voices. The choir meets for rehearsals on Monday evenings from 6:30pm – 7:30pm.

Please contact Jared Wright, Choir Director if you would like to sing. Jared can be reached at 970-759-1834 or email chancelchoir@ctkdurango.org  – All are welcome!


The CtK Handbell Ensemble is ringing out the good news and praises!

This group practices on Sunday mornings @ 8:30am. Please contact Jared Wright, Choir/Music Director or Anita Ashby if you would like to ring. Jared can be reached at the church office or email chancelchoir@ctkdurango.org  – All are welcome!

* * * * *

CtK’s Noisy Offering Recipient for April is: CtK Missions Partner – Guatemala

* * * * *

Save the Dates – April

Sunday, April 2 – Palm Sunday! Come and shout loud Hosannas and Praises with us! 9:30am Worship Service.

Sunday, April 2 – Birthday Sunday! We will be celebrating all of our April birthdays with some cake and fellowship following the morning worship service.

Sunday, April 2 – We will also be stuffing eggs for the upcoming Easter egg hunt. Join us and help put fun prizes in the Easter eggs!

Thursday, April 6 – Maundy Thursday – Come and join us for our annual Maundy Thursday worship service at 6:00pm.

Friday, April 7 – Good Friday – Come and join us for our annual Good Friday worship service at 6:00pm.

Saturday, April 8 – Easter Eve Dinner & Immersive Worship Experience – Be sure to RSVP by 5pm on  Sunday, April 2nd for this unique dinner and service. CLICK HERE TO RSVP

Sunday, April 9 – Easter Sunday Worship Service!! We will also have an Easter Brunch following the worship service that morning.

Saturday, April 15 – CtK Fellowship Event – Outdoor Hike. Details coming soon!

For all events and activities, please check the CtK website for the most current updates.

April 2023 – Fellowship Group News

CtK Piecemaker Quilters

The CtK quilting group meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 10:00am in the Community Hall. We make baptisim and prayer quilts for members of our congregation as they are needed. We also make quilts for our local nursing hoes and the Navajo Nation through NELM. This year we are also making new paraments for our sanctuary. If you would like to work on the paraments, but not quilt, please contact Carol Orlowski at (248)245-3541. We hope you enjoy the new paraments that were displayed. We are currently working on things for our sale in the fall.

If you are interested in quilting, please join us. If you would like to quilt, but don’t know how, join us and we will teach you. For other questions, you can contact Judy Olson at (651)303-8450 or judy_olson@yahoo.com.


CtK Book Club

Our book club gets together in the Community Hall on the second Thursday of the month at 3:00 P.M. In April we will be reading Mesa Verde Victim by Scott Graham. Scott is a local author that graduated from Durango high School and you will recognize many of the places that he writes about in the book.

We will be reading the following books in the coming months:

May.          The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier

June.        The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles

July.            The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See

August.      The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict

September  Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

October       Lightening Strike by Kent Krueger

November    Horse by Geraldine Brooks

If you have any questions, contact Judy Olson at (651-303-8450) or judy_olson@yahoo.com.

April 2023 — Social Ministry News

April 2023 — Social Ministry News

Many of you already know (and more of you will shortly) that Christ the King is a covenant church with Bread for the World, an ecumenical Christian advocacy organization working to urge lawmakers to address hunger in the US and around the world.

From their website:

Our mission is to educate and equip people to advocate for policies and programs that can help end hunger in the U.S. and around the world.

Food banks are also essential – but we focus on advocacy. Why? Because federal nutrition programs provide roughly 10 times as much food assistance as private churches and charities combined. With the stroke of a pen, our government leaders have the power to create policies and programs that impact millions of people at once. 

Our faith in Christ is the foundation for our mission and compels us to love our neighbors near and far. We are led by the values of our faith to stand up for those experiencing hunger all over. (bread.org/about/)

On April 23rd, Christ the King will participate in Bread for the World’s annual Offering of Letters.  The Farm Bill is coming up for renewal, and has significant implications for hunger.  It includes funding for both the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamps) and international food aid programs.

We will be talking more in church about Bread and this year’s Offering of letters, but please put it on your personal radar, and come prepared on the 23rd to take pen in hand and advocate for the hungry as God commands us in Proverbs Open your mouth for those who cannot speak, and for the rights of those who are left without help. Proverbs 31:8 NLV.

*Note from your Social Ministry Committee*

So far our Lenten Hunger offering has raised $7250!!  Way to go CtK!!  Can we get it past $7500 by Easter Sunday?

Habitat for Humanity: Save the date – Saturday, June 10 is CtK Habitat Build Day! More details coming in next month’s Scribe!

April 2023 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from automail@360members.com   Email beth@ctkdurango.org with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  1,488
World Hunger $     440
Noisy Offering
$.   4,511
Social Ministry $   1,050
Total Benevolence $  7,489



Synod $   3,092
World Hunger $      875
Noisy Offering $   5,559
Social Ministry $  2,500
Total Benevolence $  12,026


Financial Update:


Gifts Received $   21,570
Facility Donations $        225
Rental Income $        833
Expenses $   32,827
Net Operating Income $   (10,199)



Gifts Received $        44,731
Facility Donations $             450
Rental Income $           1,667
Expenses $        61,807
Net Operating  Income $      (14,959)
Endowment Fund Balance $      178,086
Building Fund Balance $        18,198
Love Fund Balance $       29,092



Worship Attendance:


Date Wed. 6pm Sun. 9:30am
Mar 1
9 P
Mar 5
75 P + 40 D
Mar 8
8 P 
Mar 12
73 P + 28 D
Mar 15
10 P
Mar 19
57 P + 26 D
Mar 22
0 P
Mar 26
  84 P + 30 D
Mar 29
9 P
Monthly Totals 36 P
289 P + 124 D

Note:    P = the number of People attending in-person worship at CtK.

              D = the number of Devices signed into Zoom or Livestream, NOT the number of individuals (since more than one person can watch service on a single device.)

April 2023 — Worship Assistants

April 2023 — Worship Assistants

To sign up for this or any of our volunteer opportunities, be sure to visit: https://www.ctkdurango.org/signup/

Thank You!


Sunday Worship Assistants

9:30 am Inside Sanctuary unless otherwise noted.




April 2 – 9:30am Catherine Hawk
Gary Henschen
Eryn Orlowski
April 6 – 6:00pm Anita Ashby David Smith Aurora Rose
April 7 – 6:00pm  Catherine Hawk
Carla Gonneville
Addison Ashby
April 9 – 9:30am John Condie
Gary Orlowski Amy Wendland
April 16 – 9:30am
Barbara Hawxhurst
Anita Ashby
Carla Gonneville
April 23 – 9:30am
Catherine Hawk
Barbara Hawxhurst
Eryn Orlowski
April 30 – 9:30am
Anita Ashby
Gary Orlowski
Aurora Rose


Sunday Media Desk

9:30 am Inside Sanctuary unless otherwise noted.







April 2 – 9:30am  Dan Graves
Gary Rollstin
April 6 – 6:00pm Dan Graves Angelia Graves D & A Graves
April 7 – 6:00pm Anita Ashby Gary Rollstin TBD
April 9 – 9:30am Dan Graves Angelia Graves D & A Graves
April 16 – 9:30am
Catherine Hawk David Smith TBD
April 23 – 9:30am
Anita Ashby David Smith TBD
April 30 – 9:30am
Catherine Hawk David Smith TBD