Many of you already know (and more of you will shortly) that Christ the King is a covenant church with Bread for the World, an ecumenical Christian advocacy organization working to urge lawmakers to address hunger in the US and around the world.
From their website:
Our mission is to educate and equip people to advocate for policies and programs that can help end hunger in the U.S. and around the world.
Food banks are also essential – but we focus on advocacy. Why? Because federal nutrition programs provide roughly 10 times as much food assistance as private churches and charities combined. With the stroke of a pen, our government leaders have the power to create policies and programs that impact millions of people at once.
Our faith in Christ is the foundation for our mission and compels us to love our neighbors near and far. We are led by the values of our faith to stand up for those experiencing hunger all over. (
On April 23rd, Christ the King will participate in Bread for the World’s annual Offering of Letters. The Farm Bill is coming up for renewal, and has significant implications for hunger. It includes funding for both the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamps) and international food aid programs.
We will be talking more in church about Bread and this year’s Offering of letters, but please put it on your personal radar, and come prepared on the 23rd to take pen in hand and advocate for the hungry as God commands us in Proverbs Open your mouth for those who cannot speak, and for the rights of those who are left without help. Proverbs 31:8 NLV.
*Note from your Social Ministry Committee*
So far our Lenten Hunger offering has raised $7250!! Way to go CtK!! Can we get it past $7500 by Easter Sunday?
Habitat for Humanity: Save the date – Saturday, June 10 is CtK Habitat Build Day! More details coming in next month’s Scribe!