by Mandy Gardner | Jun 30, 2019 | Faith Formation
It’s almost time for Day Camp!
Here’s your gentle reminder that CtK is a CLOSED campus for the week of Day Camp. This means that if you have not been through training and a background check by the church, we can’t have you visit CtK during Day Camp. This is for the safety of everyone! The exception is the Camp Program and BBQ on Thursday evening (July 11th) beginning at 4:30pm. Anyone is welcome to come to that – the parents/guardians of the campers are in attendance and sign their kids out of the church’s care and back into their own right before the program starts at 4:30pm. So consider coming to see what the campers learned during their week at Day Camp and to show your support for CtK’s outreach programs.
We do still need help in a few areas. If you’d like to donate money, write DAY CAMP DONATION in the memo line of your check.
Service opportunities include (as of June 24th):
- Buy Snacks & Supplies – items must be at CtK no later than 5pm on Sunday, July 7. You can view our Event Registry list and purchase what we need here:
- Counselor lunches: Deliver 4 lunches to the church on Wednesday or Thursday.
- Kitchen help: Hand out snacks and drinks Monday – Thursday mornings, 9a-12p.
- Thursday BBQ help: Food donations (burgers, hotdogs, buns, other BBQ food); grill cooks, set up and clean up help needed, 4:30p-7:30p for Day Camp Family BBQ. We’ll take all the help that we can get!
by Jared Wright | Jun 30, 2019 | Prayer Requests
In Our Prayers
Please keep the following Military men and women in your prayers…
To add or remove names from this list, please contact Janeann Jones
- Major Ryan Bankhead—Brother of Eryn Orlowski
- Sgt. John Dee—Son in-law of Wendy Krull
- Sgt. Chris Gomez—Nephew of BJ and Danny Pierce
- Staff Sergeant (SSgt.) Airman Paul Herr—Nephew of Gary & Carol Orlowski
- Hugh Jones, Jr. Sailor—Son of Rick & Janeann Jones
- Sgt. Brandon Minser —Son in-law of Wendy Krull
- LCDR Andy Schaaf—Son of Merilee and Mark Fleming
- Major Clayton Stransky—Nephew of Kip and Laura Stransky
- Staff Sgt. Stephen Van Dover—Nephew of Nancy Van Dover
CtK family & friends who are in need of prayer…
To add or remove names from this list, please contact Linda White
- The family of Merlwyn Clausen
- Kip & Laura Stransky
- Mandy & Maggie Gardner
- Larry & Lauren Rardin
- Beverly and Paul Dittmer
- Mary Southworth
- Darlene Warring
- Bonnie Rossmiller
- Shirley Buslee
- LuLu Mae Hess
- Lucille Ball
- Paul Schnackenberg, brother of Carroll Groeger
- Bev Brown
- Lori Lachelt
- Kayla Hefner
- Carol Gunderson
- CtK’s ministry and partnership with both the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, AZ and San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church in Zaculeu, Guatemala.
- CtK’s Homebound Ministry and all those who serve our homebound members through this ministry.
- Mandy Gardner, CtK’s Director of Faith Formation. She was approved by the RMS ELCA for Endorsement in March.
- All those battling mental illness and addictions.
- Each person in our CtK church family.
by Beth Stelz | Jun 30, 2019 | By The Numbers
Our Gifts Blessing Others:
Synod |
$3,459 |
World Hunger |
$415 |
Social Ministry |
$1,333 |
Total Benevolence |
$5,207 |
Synod |
$9,301 |
World Hunger |
$6,328 |
Social Ministry |
$6,063 |
Total Benevolence |
$21,692 |
Gifts Received |
$23,062 |
Facility Donations |
$120 |
Expenses |
$32,529 |
Net Operating Income |
$(9,348) |
Gifts Received |
$139,857 |
Facility Donations |
$770 |
Expenses |
$149,459 |
Net Operating Income |
$(8,833) |
Endowment Fund Balance |
$163,768 |
Wednesday, May 29 |
10 |
Sunday, June 2, 8am |
53 |
Sunday, June 2, 10:30am |
78 |
Weekly Total |
111 |
Wednesday, June 5 |
6 |
Sunday, June 9, 8am |
43 |
Sunday, June 9, 10:30am |
50 |
Weekly Total |
99 |
Wednesday, June 12 |
5 |
Sunday, June 16, 8am |
58 |
Sunday, June 16, 10:30am |
48 |
Weekly Total |
111 |
Wednesday, June 19 |
5 |
Sunday,June 23, 8am |
58 |
Sunday, June 23, 10:30am |
80 |
Weekly Total |
143 |
Wednesday,June 26 |
NA |
Sunday, June 30 , 8am |
NA |
Sunday, June 30, 10:30am |
NA |
Weekly Total |
NA |
by Jared Wright | Jun 30, 2019 | Bible Studies
July’s Bible Studies
Circle of Contemplative Prayer
The Circle of Contemplative Prayer meets on Mondays from 5:30-7:15pm in the Chapel. We are currently studying through “personal reflections.” For more information, contact Sharyn Butler.
Great Ol’ Broads of God (GoBoGs)
GoBoGs invites you to join them in study and fellowship. They meet at CtK in the classrooms W6/W7 each Monday from 4:00-5:30 pm. (The first Monday of each month is dedicated to Share The Care, GoBoGs’ outreach mission.) They are currently studying “An Altar in the World” by Barbara Brown Taylor. Please join them for study sessions that are deeply rewarding. For more information, contact Lynda Morris.
Midweek Bible Study led by Pastor Tim
We’ll be on Summer Break from June 6th through July 11th. Classes will resume on Thursday, July 18th when we will begin a study of “The Disputed Letters of Paul.” Please join us, and bring your lunch if you wish. Our discussions are engaging and span a variety of topics. For more information, call the church office at 247-5310.
Khuvara (“Circle of Friends”)
The Khuvara Women’s Group are currently reading the book “Love Wins” by Rob Bell. All women are welcome, and we gladly invite new members to join us. We meet each Thursday at 1:30 pm in the CtK Library. For more information, contact Stella Welcher.
Spiritual Study Group (SSG)
Currently the Spiritual Study Group is reading and discussing “Love Without Limits” Jesus’ Radical Vision for Love with No Exceptions written by author, Jacqueline A. Bussie. Please join us for lively, enriching discussions! The Spiritual Study Group meets weekly on Thursdays at 3:00 pm in the Welcome Center. For more information, contact Aurora Rose.
by Jared Wright | Jun 30, 2019 | In Other News
Notice of Vacancy on the Mission Endowment Fund Board
Recently, John Stordahl, a member of the Mission Endowment Fund Board, moved to Utah. His move has left a vacancy on the Board. The Board is looking for candidates who could fill John’s last year on the Board; this person would serve until elections next May at our semi-annual meeting.
This position entails three or four meetings of one to two hours each with the rest of the Board in November, December and January. The Board solicits and reviews applications for grants from the Mission Endowment Fund, and then chooses people and organizations to whom the grants are awarded. It is very rewarding to be part of this Board. How satisfying to be able to give money to deserving applicants! There is no fundraising or interviews with applicants involved in this process.
If you would like to learn more about the work the Board does please contact one of the Board members or Pastor Tim. The Board now includes Wendy Gonzales, John Condie, Gary Rollstin and Lynn Mitzlaff.
Please consider applying to be a candidate or to nominate other congregation members to complete the vacancy. Submit a letter to the Mission Endowment Board, within the next two weeks, stating why you or the person you are nominating would like to be part of the Board with any other any other information you feel is relevant. The Board will then submit names to the church Council which will appoint the person at the next council meeting.