Deacon Mandy needs your help!

You may have noticed the return of Children’s Time on Sundays. You may have noticed sometimes we have quite a few kids. You may have noticed the kids’ completed Faith Formation crafts and projects on display after worship. You may have noticed the kids having fun and maybe growing in faith.

Let’s keep the momentum going!

Most Sundays, Deacon Mandy is available to teach the kids during the sermon. But some Sundays she is preaching the sermon. Who will take the kids to the Community Hall for a faith-building activity when this happens?

The activities will be planned for you. All you need is the ability to lovingly wrangle kids, deliver a quick message, and help them create. Can you help? Email Deacon Mandy if you can, please and thank you!


And now a ♪ from CtK’s Music Director

The Psalms resonate with both vocal and instrumental music!  Strive to make your daily lives a most glorious symphony of praise! Keep your hearts filled with the light of Christ!
A tuneful tip:  Grab your hymnbook and look up hymns online to listen to or to sing along with or to simply read the words.  Added to your daily Bible study, the tune of your heart will undoubtedly become your own personal symphony of joy! May Jesus Christ be praised!  Amen!
Patty Mack
Music Director