News from CtK Council & M-Teams
Renewal and Being Rooted
List of topics, ideas, questions, and the like from the Renewal discussion on Jan 26th.
Greetings from your Church Council! We hope that you all had a blessed Christmas Season and that the New Year is off to a wonderful start for you.
It is a busy time with many things in the works. We have members of the congregation teaming up with members from Church Council–all working to accomplish some great things.
On January 26th, we had a very productive congregational gathering to discuss Pastor Tim’s planned renewal leave during the Summer of 2020. The discussion focused on the theme of “Being Rooted.” It was a time to learn more about the Lily Foundation Grant and how, if received, will financially assist both Pastor Tim and his family, as well as the congregation, for renewal leave activities. Thank you to everyone who attended and brought great questions and wonderful ideas for how this can be a period of renewal for the entire congregation! The next meeting to discuss the renewal leave will be on Sunday, February 16th at 9:30am in the Community Hall. At this time, we’ll also give an update about the progress on the grant application. Please plan to join us as we discuss this important and exciting time for both Pastor Tim and his family, AND our CtK family.
CtK’s “Garden Suites”
A team of CtK’ers has been working very diligently on planning and preparing The Garden Suites (formally known as Children’s World), for a potential new tenant. This group is working towards the goal of having the space prepared and rented by the second quarter. Look for future updates on the progress of this project coming soon!
CtK Fun and Fellowship Events and Activities
CtK’ers having fun at the New Year’s Eve Game Night party. CtK ladies out for a winter hike.
Several Fellowship opportunities are being planned for all of us to get to better know our CtK family, share meals, fun and laughter. Coming up real soon is CtK’s Annual Super Bowl party on Sunday, February 2nd with kick-off at 4:30pm in the Community Hall. All are invited to join the fun and bring your best appetizer to share. You can enter it in the annual food contest, and you might win one of the three prizes being awarded!!
Another upcoming activity is the Taste and Talk dinner groups for February and March gatherings. If you would like more information about these groups, please talk to Janeann Jones or Holly Landgren.
Be watching the Sunday bulletins for additional Fellowship opportunities in February and March—we hope you will join us for good ol’ CtK fun and fellowship!
Holly Landgren, Council President
Photos by H. Landgren