Greetings from your Church Council!

We first want to extend a huge thank you to Pastor Time and our amazing staff as they have worked creatively and diligently to keep us connected in this virtual world we are currently experiencing. We all are looking forward to the time when we can worship and have fellowship with each other in person. Until that time comes, please continue to join us for online worship and fellowship. 

We are currently working on options for having our semi-annual meeting in May. We need you and your voice at this meeting! We will have an important vote requesting the congregation to empower the Church Council to move forward in signing a lease with potential tenants for the Garden Suites space. We also need some of you to serve on Church Council and the Mission Endowment Board. If you have any interest in serving in either capacity, please let Pastor Tim know. 

Following is a poem by Laura Kelly Fanucci; may it lift your spirits and give you hope!

When this is over,

may we never again take for granted

A handshake with a stranger

Full shelves at the store

Conversations with neighbors

A crowded theater

Friday night out

The taste of communion

A routine check-up

The school rush each morning

Coffee with a friend

The stadium roaring

Each deep breath

A boring Tuesday

Life itself.

When this ends,

may we find

that we have become

more like the people

We wanted to be

We were called to be

We hoped to be,

And may we stay

That way – better

For each other

Because of the worst.


Holly Landgren

CtK Council President