We are church. We are Lutheran. We are church together. We are church for the sake of the world.
We’re going to try something new this school year: intergenerational faith formation! Since we as humans and Lutherans never stop forming our faith, asking questions, and looking for ways to care for the people and world around us, we’re going to focus on exactly that.
On Sundays between services, join Pastor Tim and the 2020 confirmation class as they do a deep dive into our Church in Society. Why do we as ELCA Lutherans have a duty to call for justice? Is it because we identify ourselves as a community that lives from and for the gospel? What does it mean that the church is ‘in’ but not ‘from’ the world?
We need YOU! The only way this can be intergenerational is if the class is comprised of people from different age groups. We need your perspective! We need your insights! Come and talk to our new class of confirmands and learn from their experiences, too. We’re also going to throw in a “party” each month, and you won’t want to miss those.
All ages and stages are welcome – Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Community Hall.
If you are interested in helping to plan the monthly special event parties, please talk with Mandy or Pastor Tim.
Faith Formation Event Calendar –Sundays at 9:30am in the Community Hall (unless otherwise noted)
Sept 8 Rally Day: learn from all of CtK’s M-Teams how you can get involved
Sept 15 – Oct 6 Study: Church in Society
Oct 13 Party: Generosity
Oct 20 – 27 Study: Church in Society
Nov 3 Party: Art Gala “afterparty” and award ceremony.
Nov 10 No class – Annual Meeting – one worship service at 9:30am followed
by meeting
Nov 17 – Dec 15 Study: Church in Society
Dec 22 Party: Live Nativity costume and prep for performance at 10:30am Worship
Service. (W6/7) Bring your dogs! Costumes provided.