October 2020 — Faith Formation

October 2020 — Faith Formation

CtK Kids and Youth Group

We have begun a NEW “CtK Kids!” for elementary-aged children. Each week (usually on Fridays) they receive a personalized video from Ms Mandy, which includes the gospel reading or retelling, a lesson, and a “challenge”. For example, when we looked into Matthew 5: 38-48, we talked about what it means to “go the extra mile” and how it really matters that you do it joyfully and with a generous spirit. Their challenge was to send in an acrostic of their name with words that described them. After all, if the grown-ups in the congregation are getting to know themselves and each other, the kids should, too. You can see Dalton’s acrostic above. If you know a child that might enjoy these weekly videos, please email Mandy. This replaces our 10am Sunday classes – now kids and parents can watch the lesson and complete the challenges as their schedules allow.

Youth Group is firing back up! We will meet on Sunday, October 4th at 10:30am (after the Outdoor Worship Service) to discuss fundraising for the Youth Gathering (now scheduled for 2022) and how we want to stay in touch during this most strange of times. Middle through High School kids are all welcome – email Mandy if you know of a Youth who would like to join us!

October 2020 — By the Numbers

October 2020 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  At the end of the year, several members did not receive their contribution statements because their spam blocked our newly created email address.  CtK’s recent contribution statements were emailed in July from fin.sec@ctkdurango.org.  So if you have any questions or concerns, please use this email address to contact us.  Thank you.

Synod $1,761
World Hunger $415
Social Ministry $1,009
Total Benevolence $3,185
Synod $13,516
World Hunger $  6,162
Social Ministry $11,656
Total Benevolence $31,334

Financial Update:

Gifts Received $29,354
Facility Donations $        50
Rental Income $      833
Expenses $23,024
Net Operating Income $  7,214
Gifts Received $225,261
Facility Donations $       250
Rental Income $    1,667
Expenses $195,375
Net Operating  Income $  31,802
Endowment Fund Balance $167,166

Worship Attendance:

Wednesday, September 2, 6pm 4
Sunday, September 6, 9:15am 52
Wednesday, September 9, 6pm 5
Sunday, September 13, 9:15am Zoom=42


Wednesday,September 16, 6pm 0
Sunday, September 20, 9:15am 55
Wednesday, September 23, 6pm 8
Sunday, September 27, 9:15am Zoom=41


Monthly Total 298



October 2020 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

October 2020 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

Praying Towards Reformation

For the past many years, I have intentionally tried to shift the focus of Reformation Sunday away from the historical Reformation and instead to the concept of reformation, in general. In other words, I’ve really tried to stress the idea that Reformation Sunday is a day to celebrate how God is still re-forming the church in this time and place. This, I think, was the whole point of Martin Luther’s movement. It was to make people see that God is alive and active, and the church is always being transformed to be the hands, feet, and voice of God in the world.

This year, in the midst of a convergence of multiple theological, civic and political “storms,” I find myself longing for Reformation Sunday. I find myself aching to see and experience God’s re-formation of our world, of our leaders, of our sense of value and justice for all people regardless of skin color, race, sexual orientation or creed. I am thirsting for re-formation of myself, to be able to once again see and celebrate God’s actions in a world where I struggle day-to-day to perceive such actions. I guess what I’m saying is this: this year, I am approaching Reformation Sunday less as a chance to celebrate a historical event and more as a hope and a fervent prayer.

So, I’m taking that as a cue for what I should be doing in this month leading up to Reformation Sunday (which is October 25th this year, by the way). Each day this month, I will be praying for Re-formation to be active, and for me to do what I can to see and be a part of it.

1          A prayer to re-form creation

2          A prayer to re-form attitudes towards those whom I see as “other”

3          A prayer to re-form my friendships

4          A prayer to re-form broken relationships

5          A prayer to re-form the way I see and respond to hunger

6          A prayer to re-form the way I see and respond to homelessness

7          A prayer to re-form the way I see and respond to race relations

8          A prayer to re-form the way I see and respond to economic disparity

9          A prayer to re-form the way I see and respond to those with mental health disabilities

10        A prayer to re-form the way I see and respond to suffering

11        A prayer to re-form the way I participate in civic society

12        A prayer to re-form global partnerships and relations

13        A prayer to re-form my elected political leaders

14        A prayer to re-form those who are running for political office

15        A prayer to re-form political dialogue and debate

16        A prayer to re-form the criminal justice system

17        A prayer to re-form the education system

18        A prayer to re-form CtK’s ministries to children, youth and families

19        A prayer to re-form CtK’s ministries to the elderly and homebound

20        A prayer to re-form CtK’s ministries to those who suffer in mind, body or spirit

21        A prayer to re-form CtK’s leadership

22        A prayer to re-form Christ the King Lutheran Church

23        A prayer to re-form the ELCA

24        A prayer to re-form the church universal

25        A prayer to re-form myself

Join me in praying for reformation to become a reality this year. Let it be so. Amen.

Pastor Tim