CtK Kids and Youth Group
We have begun a NEW “CtK Kids!” for elementary-aged children. Each week (usually on Fridays) they receive a personalized video from Ms Mandy, which includes the gospel reading or retelling, a lesson, and a “challenge”. For example, when we looked into Matthew 5: 38-48, we talked about what it means to “go the extra mile” and how it really matters that you do it joyfully and with a generous spirit. Their challenge was to send in an acrostic of their name with words that described them. After all, if the grown-ups in the congregation are getting to know themselves and each other, the kids should, too. You can see Dalton’s acrostic above. If you know a child that might enjoy these weekly videos, please email Mandy. This replaces our 10am Sunday classes – now kids and parents can watch the lesson and complete the challenges as their schedules allow.
Youth Group is firing back up! We will meet on Sunday, October 4th at 10:30am (after the Outdoor Worship Service) to discuss fundraising for the Youth Gathering (now scheduled for 2022) and how we want to stay in touch during this most strange of times. Middle through High School kids are all welcome – email Mandy if you know of a Youth who would like to join us!