Anyone who is interested in accompanying the Christ the King group to Guatemala next June needs to have their refundable deposit of $250 in by the second week of October.
Christ the King – Mission Endowment Fund
Grant Application Deadline! = 15 December, 2023
What is the Mission Endowment Fund?
The fund was designed to support Christ the King Lutheran Church in its mission. The Fund receives unrestricted gifts and bequests from congregation members and their families, and friends of Christ the King.
This is a permanent endowment fund that is separate and distinct from the everyday operating funds of the church. The assets are held by the ELCA Endowment Fund Trust to provide for their long-term stability and growth, so donors can be confident that their gifts will endure to continue God’s work within our congregation, the community of Durango, and the world.
How do I apply for a Mission Endowment Fund Grant?
Applications can be made at any time of the year, but the Board meets once a year, in January, to review all applications that were received prior to December 15st of the previous year.
The application form can be found on the Christ the King website at in a fillable PDF format.
To submit it, you may email to
Or it can be mailed to the church at
Mission Endowment Fund
Christ the King Lutheran Church
495 Florida Road
Durango, Colorado 81301-4730
If you have questions about filling out the application, or what kinds of projects or agencies might be appropriate, feel free to contact the board at Or, of course, you may talk with any of us at church.
Yours in Christ,
The MEF Board
John Condie, Lynn Mitzlaff, Megan Reid, Renate Widder, and Gary Rollstin
Ctk’s Noisy Offering began years ago during a time of uncertainty with the church’s budget. Tithing was down, and in the absence of knowing just how much financial gifts the church would receive each month, the Social Ministry budget was cut. This meant that local, necessary, and beloved organizations like Manna, the Food Bank, VOA of SW CO, and others would not receive monies they previously counted on. So the Noisy Offering at CTK was born. Metal cans were passed after the Offering plate, so that coins – change – placed in the buckets would not only make a joyful noise, but the change itself represented the change it was making in the receiving organization and the greater community. The joyful noise of the noisy offering reminds us that giving is much more than a duty. Your regular tithe goes to CtK operating costs and to her ministries, which do include the noisy offering recipients through the social Ministry budget – because giving is a duty and a joy!
CTk’s Noisy Offering is also a way we teach our children the importance of giving and serving. Often our children are passing the noisy offering can, and that’s by design. So especially when a tiny hand passes you the can, remember a tiny face is watching – so joyfully plunk in your change and let the noise ring out!
If you have a non-profit that you want to see included as a Noisy offering recipient, put your suggestion in the box on the credenza in the Welcome Center.