Rally Day Feedback
Thanks to all for stopping by the Ministry table at Rally Day on September 8th. We had some folks sign up for various activities, including a new member of our Social Ministry Committee, and coordinators for our Thanksgiving stuffing making and for organizing our Salvation Army bell ringing week.
We have one more important opportunity: Angel Tree coordinator–effort at the end of November and early December to get the families information from Project Merry Christmas and make up the Angels for the board. Then in the third week of December, the gifts need to be organized for delivery. Occasionally, the organizer needs to purchase (with CtK funds) requested items on the Angel tags not taken. If you can help out this year, please contact John Condie at johnandwanda@bresnan.net by November 1st.
Also, on Rally Day, we tried to catch current Thrivent members to help plan for the use of Action Team dollars for 2020. If you are a member and didn’t connect with Jigger Staby, please contact her at jpstaby@msn.com.
Thanks for your continued support and involvement!
Bread for the World–Offering of Letters
As many of you know, CtK is a covenant church with Bread for the World, an ecumenical organization lobbying to reduce hunger in this country and the world. October 20th is Bread for the World Sunday. That day, we will do our annual Offering of Letters, an effort to have members of CtK write letters to our congressman and senators advocating for hunger legislation. This year we will be asking them to cosponsor House Resolution 189/Senate Resolution 260, “A resolution recognizing the importance of sustained United States leadership to accelerating global progress against maternal and child malnutrition and supporting the commitment of the United States Agency for International Development to global nutrition through the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy.” The resolution acknowledges the improvement in mother and child health that has been accomplished with the leadership of the U.S. It currently has 114 sponsors in the house (none from Colorado) and 34 in the Senate (including Cory Gardner from Colorado). The bills were introduced in March and were referred to committee, where they will be taken up soon. So the timing is perfect. Please be in church that Sunday to pick up materials and instructions for writing letters.
Thank you from all of us on the Social Ministry Committee.