Serving Our Congregation and the Community

How to Help CEAC (Community Emergency Assistance Coalition)

Over many years, Christ the King has been an active supporter of the CEAC process, where people in the community can apply once/year for grants for emergency assistance. You have heard from Pastor Tim over the last few months how we are encouraging support for CEAC through our Noisy Offering. 

One more way to help throughout the year (if you are an LPEA customer) is to sign up through LPEA. Here is what they have to say on their website,

“Sometimes it can be hard to know how we, as individuals, can really make a difference in our communities. But your pennies are powerful! By electing to “round up” your electric bill to the next highest dollar every month, you can make a meaningful impact. Your pennies, combined with those from your neighbors, have generated more than one million dollars in funds for local agencies in La Plata and Archuleta counties. 

LPEA’s inaugural Round Up board was formed in 1996, and by 1997, the foundation had issued its first grant – $1,000 to the Manna Soup Kitchen. Since then, the foundation has endured as a win-win enterprise. Individually, the contributions may be exceedingly small, but, as mentioned above, those pennies add up.”

If you are an LPEA member and would like to participate in the “Round Up” your bill program, please use the form found on the website or call (970) 247-5786.

Thanks for considering this small act to assist members of our community!

The CtK Social Ministry Team