Over the summer, several members asked the Social Ministry Committee about topics of interest in our community and country. It appears that our members may not know about ways to get infor- mation about the ELCA, and the Rocky Mountain Synod (RMS). Members no longer receive the Living Lutheran magazine (which followed The Lutheran magazine). The RMS also sends a weekly e-mail to anyone signing up for this information. It’s a great way toknow what our bishop and staff are doing and how other churches are serving.
So if you feel disconnected or want to know more about how the ELCA is serving in the country and the world, we are suggesting some options:
1. You may sign up for the RMS e-mail by going to this, and scroll to the bottom to subscribe to the e-mail newsletter.
2. If you are interested in receiving the Living Lutheran mag- azine, you have two options: it is free online Or, you can purchase a subscription for $8.95 to $11.75/year, depending on how many subscrip- tions from CtK we would order.
The church must make this payment to get a bulk rate. So if you want to subscribe to the hard-copy magazine, please let Jigger Staby know you are interested. Then we’ll see what the rate will bebased on the number of responses. Please respond by 11/20.
We hope this will help us connect within the Synod and the ELCA and help you to be informed about important matters of our faith community.