ELCA World Hunger Lenten Challenge–March Update
As I am confident you remember from last month, the Social Ministry Committee set a goal of $5000 to donate to ELCA World Hunger. So far, the church has responded amazingly. As of the middle of March, we had raised $3990! With a little Easter push, we should easily meet our goal.
If you wonder what ELCA World Hunger does with our money, visit https://www.elca.org/Our-Work/Relief-and-Development/ELCA-World-Hunger for descriptions of their domestic and international approaches to addressing hunger issues. If you wonder why the church feels this is necessary work, look in last month’s Scribe for statistics cribbed from the ELCS World Hunger website.
As you attend church this Easter, reflect on all the blessings God has bestowed on you and share some of those blessings with the world’s less fortunate.
Thank you for your awesome generosity.
John Condie and the Social Ministry Committee