Please keep the following people in your prayers…
In the Military
- Major Ryan Bankhead—Brother of Eryn Orlowski
- Sgt. John Dee—Son in-law of Wendy Krull
- Sgt. Chris Gomez—Nephew of BJ and Danny Pierce
- Senior Airman Paul Herr—Nephew of Gary & Carol Orlowski
- Hugh Jones, Jr. Sailor—Son of Rick & Janeann Jones
- Sgt. Brandon Minser —Son in-law of Wendy Krull
LCDR Andy Schaaf—Son of Merilee and Mark Fleming
- Major Clayton Stransky—Nephew of Kip and Laura Stransky
- Staff Sgt. Stephen Van Dover—Nephew of Nancy Van Dover
Those Who Are Sick
- Larry Rardin (recent hospitalization)
- The sister of Beverly Dittmer (cancer)
- Dave Crawford, friend of the Stransky’s (cancer)
- Mary Southworth (homebound)
- Darlene Warring (homebound)
- Andrea Witkowski (homebound)
- Bonnie Rossmiller (ongoing health concerns)
- Shirley Buslee (homebound)
- LuLu Mae Hess (homebound)
- Lucille Ball (ongoing health concerns)
- Janet Evers,mother of Mike Johnson
- Paul Schnackenberg, brother of Carroll Groeger (kidney dialysis)
- Stephanie Williams
- Lauren Rardin
- Bev Brown
- Lori Lachelt
- Kayla Hefner
- Carol Gunderson
- Lou Steele (grieving the death of his wife, Jane Steele)
- CtK’s ministry and partnership with both the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, AZ and San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church in Zaculeu, Guatemala.
- CtK’s Homebound Ministry! and all those who serve ourhomebound members through this ministry.
- Paul Gebo who is currently continuing his seminary studies at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa.
- Mandy Gardner, CtK’s Director of Faith Formation, as shecontinues to work toward completion of an Associate in Ministry degree.
- All those battling mental illness and addictions.
- Each person in our CtK church family.