CtK Continues to Remain Closed. . .
Upon recommendations from the Office of the Bishop, congregations and communities of faith are to continue to prioritize worship opportunities that are safe, accessible, invitational, meaningful, and sustainable. The use of an online/digital platform remains the highest recommended format for corporate worship through at least the end of the calendar year. Any in-person worship experience should prioritize an outdoor venue, small groups, physical distancing, and the use of face coverings. There is a strong likelihood that corporate, in-person worship that is able to include all parishioners inside of a church building will not be advisable well into 2021. While the Bishop does not have the authority to mandate congregations to do this, the recommendation of the Bishop does carry significant weight in our decisions, along with the guidance of local public health officials. While disheartening news, CtK will continue suspension of in-person worship services and meetings until further notice. At this time, worship services for Wednesdays at 6pm and Sundays at 9:15am (worship, then fellowship) are offered online via Zoom, and two more outdoor worship services are planned: Sundays, September 13th and October 4th. These outdoor services will also be streamed via Zoom. CtK continues to offer Thursday Noon Bible Study online each week. It is hoped that the form of these online services will be meaningful to you. (*For more information on Zoom webinars, please refer to the webinar links list below).
Christ the King Lutheran Church continues to need your financial support, especially in this time of need. Giving financially to Christ the King Lutheran Church is vital to continue these ministries that work to sustain and strengthen you and your faith in these trying times. You can give to Christ the King Lutheran Church in many ways. Visit https://www.ctkdurango.org/learn-more/give for more information and links to give online.
During this unprecedented time in our lives, you are encouraged to do whatever you can to promote the public health, especially for those who are most vulnerable. If you are healthy and are able to help with grocery shopping, to run errands, or help in any other way, please email pastortim@ctkdurango.org. He will do his best to connect those who have needs to those who have offered their help.
Remember to take care of yourselves. Go for walks. Laugh and talk with neighbors (from a safe distance and wearing your facemask). Wash your hands well and often. Enjoy the beauty of creation in which we live. Get off your computer and away from news and just read a book for a while. Play a board game. Take part in fun faith formation resources that we have available to you online at www.ctkdurango.org Be patient, kind, and compassionate as always. Remember that this hardship will come to an end. Pray that it comes quickly.
* Webinar Links
Each Sunday until further notice, at 9:15am please join Pastor Tim for Sunday’s Worship Webinar and Fellowship. You can access Sunday’s worship webinar by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/530311237
Fellowship Time after ALL of our worship services (Wednesdays and Sundays) can be accessed by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/3445934929.
On Sunday, September 13th, an outdoor worship service will be held at Christ the King Lutheran Church starting at 9:15am! This worship service will ALSO be live streamed via Zoom using our usual Sunday worship link, so you can join us from home if you do not wish to be here in person. For more detailed info, you can also call Pastor Tim at 970-426-9681.
Each Thursday at Noon please join Pastor Tim for our Thursday Bible Study, where we are just finishing up our study on 2 Thessalonians. You can join him for that Bible Study by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/698922754.
If you have any trouble accessing these meeting sites, please let him know. You can email him at pastortim@ctkdurango.org, or call at 970-426-9681.
Memories of the Corona Virus-19 Project
As the Covid-19 Pandemic rages on, it has become obvious that the CtK ComMission Team’s project to collect memories of the affect this pandemic has had on our church community should carry on; perhaps without a deadline. In case you missed the first notification of the project, here is a brief synopsis and an invitation to join us in our effort to preserve something about this huge, historic event.
Covid-19 has changed all of our lives in some way: how we work (or don’t work), how we spend our free time (if we are not first responders or caregivers who don’t seem to get much free time), how we worship, how we stay in touch with each other, and so much more. State and local rules to help us stop the spread of this infection, for which we have no cure and no vaccine, seem to change daily if not hourly. The ComMission Team wonders how it has affected you and your family, how you have been coping with the circumstances, maybe even what new and wonderful things you have learned or decided to try during this challenging time. So, send us your stories, poems, drawings, photography – anything that can be kept in a binder/book format in our Church Library. Share your stories – happy, sad, funny, innovative, thoughtful, or insightful. We welcome your input.
Please email your contributions to Megan Reid at: mreid1451@bresnan.net or regular mail to: 2403 Thomas Avenue, Durango, CO 81301. Be sure to sign and date your contribution and let us know the best way to contact you if we have any questions. Megan can also be reached at 970-247-2577.
A Note of Thanks. . .
To My CtK Family and Friends,
Thank you all so much for your prayers and well wishes! They strengthen me each day when I recall them.
Julie Williams
CtK Membership Activities for September
The CtK Membership Team has been planning diligently for some upcoming activities in the near future to help keep CtK’ers connected while apart, all while keeping your utmost safety and health in mind. They have planned several hiking excursions, nights “On the Town in Durango,” and CtK’s popular “Euchre Night.” Here are a few activities comming up quickly:
September 19th, hike the Vallecito Trail. All interested hikers are to meet at the CtK parking lot for a 9:00am departure.
September 26th, you can join fellow CtK’ers for a night on the town at 4 Leaves Winery in downtown Durango; be at the Winery by 5:00pm.
At this time, Euchre Night is being scheduled for the first Saturday of each month beginning at 7:00pm on the front lawn of CtK. Bring a deck of cards, and your own refreshments for the evening.
Please keep in mind that all planned activities are subject to change based on current Covid conditions, and masks and social distancing are expected to be practiced per County requirements at the time. So be sure to keep an eye on the Save These Dates section below for the most current, up-to-date information. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Kayla Hefner at 970-759-1636.