Lutheran World Relief
Thank you so much for purchasing Eco-Palms for your congregation this year! When you purchase Eco-Palms, the harvesters are paid a fair wage, and you help protect important forests and sustainable livelihoods in the harvesting communities. That’s good news!
Unfortunately, we know that many of you received palms that were in poor shape this year, and we apologize for that. We are working with our partners in Eco-Palms, the University of Minnesota Center for Integrated Natural Resources & Agricultural Management as well as the florist who ships the palms, to ensure there are better quality control plans in place for next year!
We are so grateful for your support, and we hope you’ll give Eco-Palms another chance in 2020.
In Gratitude,
Cari Armstrong
Senior Program Associate for Outreach and Engagement
From Rim Rock, Arizona
Dear CtK Friends,
How do we begin to express how VERY GRATEFUL we are for ALL your kindness after our home was flooded on Feb. 14?? We are humbled by your outpouring of love and concern and generosity. We are absolutely blessed to be part of such a caring community of good folks!
PLEASE KNOW we thank each of you from the depths of our hearts. Your prayers and gifts and calls and cards and texts and emails literally “kept us afloat!” (Yes, pun intended.)
Especially those prayers!!! We know your prayers kept us positive through this whole ordeal.
For now………repairs to our home are finally nearing completion; just tile and some painting left. We passed the County’s final inspection (YAHOO!!), so we are starting to move back in. (Next is sorting through all our stuff in four storage units!) After living in the motel for five weeks; then in a travel trailer for six weeks, we’re ready to be home.
Again, MANY, MANY thanks for all your support! You all are the BEST! Thanks be to God!!!
Much love,
Laura and Kip Stransky