February 2020 — In Other News. . .

The Durango Food Bank

“Thank you very much!”

These are words I hear every time I deliver our CtK food donations to the Durango Food Bank.  During 2019, we donated 634 lbs. of food items!  That translates into approximately 551 meals for our La Plata County neighbors.  WOW!!  In addition to food items, CtK’ers contributed

$319 during January’s Noisy Offering campaign for the Food Bank.  Your kindness and generosity is a great help throughout the year and so appreciated by those in need.

Currently the Food Bank is in need of canned vegetables, fruits, and soups, canned meats, canned and dry beans, bagged and boxed rice, and breakfast items.

Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness and generosity; your continued support means so much to so many.

CtK Food Bank Coordinator

Barbara Hawxhurst

Important February Events:

Sunday, February 2nd Special “Candlemas” worship at both the 8am & 10:30am


Sunday, February 2nd —CtK’s Annual Super Bowl Party in the Community Hall 4-8pm

Sunday, February 9thLutheran Family Services guest speaker, James Horan, will give

a presentation during CtK Sunday School hour (9:15-10:15am);

there will also be a Q/A session following the 10:30am service.

Sunday, February16th –  “Scout Sunday.”  CtK-sponsored Boy Scout Troop 538 & Girl

Scout Troop 537 will host fellowship between services from 9:15am-10:15am.

Sunday, February16th – The Renewal Leave Team invites you to another session to learn about and have discussion about Pastor Tim’s upcoming time of Renewal Leave (happening June – August, 2021). We need the input and support of CtK’ers as we write a grant that can provide funds for CtK and for Pastor and his family during this time of renewal.  Meet in the Community Hall this day from 9:15-10:15am.

Monday, February 17th – Presidents’ Day Holiday, Church Office CLOSED

Sunday, February 23rd — Pastor Tim will conduct a New Members’ class between services

(9:15am –10:15am); new members will also be received this day at both the 8am and 10:30 am services.

Wednesday, February 26th – Ash Wednesday Service at 6:00pm at Christ the King Lutheran Church

Plan Ahead:

Sunday, March 1st  – “Dr. Seuss Sunday” – Pastor Tim presents his sermon in Seussian


Sunday, March 8thDaylight Savings Time ENDS at 2am – “spring forward” 1 hour

prior to bedtime on Saturday, March 7th. 

Wednesdays during Lent  —  Ecumenical Lenten Service & Soup Supper at 6:00pm. Check the March issue of the Scribe for weekly worship locations.

Sunday, April 5thPalm Sunday Worship at 8am with music led by Joyful Noise; 10:30am worship with music led by CtK’s Chancel Choir.

Thursday, April 9thMaundy Thursday service at CtK at 6:00pm with traditional foot washing (optional); music led by CtK’s Chancel Choir.

Friday, April 10thGood Friday service at CtK at 6:00pm with music led by Joyful Noise.

Saturday, April 11thEaster Eve Dinner & Worship beginning at 5:00pm

Sunday, April 12thEaster “Sonrise” Service at Greenmount Cemetery at 6:30am 

Sunday, April 12thEaster Brunch at CtK from 9:00am—10:15am

Sunday, April 12thEaster Worship at CtK at 8:00am with music led by Joyful Noise; 10:30am worship with music led by CtK’s Chancel Choir.

Sunday, April 19th“Earth Day Sunday” (actual Earth Day date is April 22nd)

Friday/Saturday, May 1st/2nd Rocky Mtn. Synod Assembly, Albuquerque, NM

Saturday, June 6th thru Sunday, June 14th – Love Out Loud Week

Friday, June 26th thru Sunday June 28th CtK’s Church-wide Campout at Chris Park;

ONE 10:30am Worship at CtK on Sunday, June 28th.

Monday, July 6th thru Friday, July 10thCtK Day Camp