CtK Piecemaker Quilters
The Piecemaker Quilters are meeting regularly on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 10 am until 2 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information and meeting location, please call Stella Welcher at 970-903-9327. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Click here to shop the Piecemakers’ Quilt Sale
CtK Book Club
The CtK Book Club meets on the second Thursday of each month. On Thursday, November 12th, we will discuss a book by Honey Mon entitled, “Eleanor Oliphant.” We will close out the year in December on Thursday the 10th by discussing a book by Kim Richardson, “The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek.” Anyone can attend one or more book discussions. If you are interested in attending, please call Stella Welcher at 970-903-9327 for more information and meeting location.