CtK Piecemaker Quilters
The Piecemakers & other CtK-era joined forces with Hug-Li® doll creators and LPFCC volunteers to sew, stuff, and help distribute 227 Christmas stockings! We’re already looking forward to Christmas 2022!! THANK YOU to all who so generously donated items to fill the stockings and help bring a bit of joy to so many this Christmas.
We’ve decided to add another day each month for those who would like to join our ministry. Beginning in January 2022, the Piecemakers will meet at 10:00 on the 2nd & 4th Monday of the month. (Jan. 10th & 24th) Join us for either or both of those days! If you’ve always wanted to learn how to sew, now is your chance! We have experienced sewers who LOVE to share their knowledge and love of the craft.
We’ll have year-end numbers (for donated quilts) ready for the next Scribe.
As always, thank you for your support of this ministry!!
CtK Book Club
The CtK Book Club meets on the second Thursday of each month at 3PM outside in the CtK Columbarium.
You are invited to join us–anyone can attend one or more book discussions. If you are interested in attending, please call Stella Welcher at 970-903-9327.