Bible Studies
Circle of Contemplative Prayer
The Circle of Contemplative Prayer meets on Mondays from 5:30-7:15pm in the Chapel. We are currently studying “The Untethered Soul: the journey beyond yourself” by Michael Singer. NOTE: Meetings are currently suspended until further notice. For more information, contact Sharyn Butler, 970-759-6355.
Great Ol’ Broads of God (GoBoGs)
GoBoGs invites you to join them in study and fellowship each Monday from 4:00-5:30 pm. (The first Monday of each month is dedicated to Share The Care, GoBoGs’ outreach mission.) They are currently studying “Holy Envy” by Barbara Brown Taylor. NOTE: During the health crisis, they are conferencing via Zoom at 592-847-8387; the password for this meeting is Testify. The Zoom meeting ID is 966-5642-4190. Please join them for study sessions that are deeply rewarding. For more information, contact Kayla Hefner at 970-759-1636.
Midweek Bible Study led by Pastor Tim
Bible Study class meets each Thursday from 12:00-1:15 PM in the CtK Community Hall. However, class is currently conferencing via Zoom. You can join Pastor Tim for class by clicking this link: Pastor Tim is currently discussing 2nd Timothy. After that will be Titus. Our discussions are engaging and span a variety of topics. Please “zoom in!”
Khuvara (“Circle of Friends”)
The Khuvara Women’s Group is starting a new book for discussion entitled, “Everyone’s Normal Till You Get to Know Them” by John Ortberg. We are currently meeting each Thursday at 1:00 pm at Fassbinder Park. Please wear a mask and bring a lawn chair. All women are welcome, and we gladly invite new members to join us. If you have any questions please call Stella at 970-903-9327.
Spiritual Study Group (SSG)
The Spiritual Study Group typically meets weekly on Thursdays at 3:00 pm in the CtK Welcome Center. However, meetings are currently suspended until further notice. For more information, please email Aurora Rose at