CtK Youth Group began their weekly meetings on Friday August 23rd. They will continue to meet throughout the school year from 4-5:30pm in the Youth Room and Community Hall. Several activities and projects are in the works – everything from Xbox to weekly service projects–like working at Manna’s Garden Project on Thursdays and/or cooking at Manna on Wednesdays. Of course, there is also Bible Study and Confirmation. On those Sundays when there is no Confirmation class, Youth Bible Study will join with the Intergenerational Sunday School classes at 9:30am in the Community Hall. Everyone will discuss the “ELCA Social Statement.”
Youth Group would appreciate any chaperones that might be available on any Friday from 3:30pm-4:00pm so youth could come to the church directly after school to play Xbox. Christina is unable to get here from her day job earlier than 4:00pm. So please prayerfully consider volunteering for this important ministry – the youth would be SO grateful!! Thank you!
For more info and details, contact Christina Cummins, Director of Youth Ministry.