Regular monthly meetings provide an opportunity to enjoy fellowship and support with and from our sisters and friends at CtK. Please plan to join us at our next meeting on Saturday morning March 2nd at 9 AM for food, fellowship and devotions. It is a treat to get to know each other better
In addition to our regular monthly meetings, the women’s group offers a variety of fellowship opportunities throughout each month. This month, join women of CtK for an outdoor expedition on Saturday, March 9th. The group will meet at 9:30am that day at the Durango Joe’s at Towne Plaza. We’ll also have “Girl’s Night Out” on Friday, March 29th at 5:00pm at Los Amigos located in the Main Street Mall. Please TEXT Monie Schlarb for more info: 970-764-0226.
See you there!
Ctk Women’s Group