Cool, huh?
Keeping track of time in the church is important. The seasons and festivals of the church year provides a rhythm for our lives together. And we mark those seasons with special worship services and celebrations in our church. And – maybe this is just me – but I feel all out of whack when I miss marking one of those celebrations. I feel like I’m off balance, or just plain missing out on something.
All of this is to say, during Holy Week we work hard to provide some extra-meaningful worship services that mark some special times in our Lord’s life. Mark these events on your calendars now, and be sure that you come. I promise it will make the Easter celebration that much more meaningful!
April 14th – On Palm Sunday, we ritualize Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. So, be sure you’re at worship at either 8:00am or 10:30am.
April 18th – On Maundy Thursday, we commemorate the institution of the Lord’s Supper and we follow Jesus’ example of humility and service by washing one another’s feet (if you want). Worship will begin at 6:00pm.
April 19th – On Good Friday, we read and remember the passion story in its entirety, and marvel at the length God has gone to show us love, mercy and salvation. Worship will begin at 6:00pm.
April 20th – On Easter Eve, we hear some of the greatest stories of the Old Testament which all testify to God’s consistent action of bringing life out of death; light out of darkness; hope out of despair. We begin this evening with a meaningful and delicious meal at 5:00pm, and the interactive, immersive worship service begins at 6:00pm. Please note that space is limited for this worship service. See Mandy’s article in this newsletter for more information on how to sign up.
April 21st – On the Day of Resurrection (a.k.a. Easter), we celebrate the Lord’s victory over death and the grave. Join me for a short 30-minute SONrise worship service at Greenmount Cemetery at 6:30am. Or come for some celebration services at Christ the King Lutheran Church at 8:00 or 10:30am. Easter Brunch will also be served in the Community Hall this day from 8:30am-10:30am.
I hope you’ll join us for these worship services this year. They’re going to be great.
Pastor Tim