In 2016, we began a ministry partnership with the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission (NELM). As mission partners, we keep this mission and its minis- tries in our prayers – just as they pray for us. We strive to visit and assist with ministry projects at least once a year. And we seek ways to support them fi- nancially or with donations when possible.
One of the biggest ministries of NELM is the Christmas Quilt Giveaway which happens after theirschool’s Christmas Program. This year, that event will be held on December 13th. This ministry is vital to the health and well-being of the people NELM particularly as winter approaches and tem- peratures plummet. Many homes are not insulated, and – even if they are – many homes are over- crowded with several generations of families. Therefore, children sometimes sleep outside, even in the winter. So, quilts and blankets are not only a nice thing to have – they are a necessity.
NELM also has a clinic as part of their mission to their community. The closest health services are 50 miles away in Chinle, Arizona. So, even in the case of an emergency, it can take up to 45 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. The clinic at NELM is currently a place to go to seek simple first aid; although they hope to develop this into a permanent clinic where people can find more ro- bust medical treatment. For now, donations of first aid items (bandages; anti-bacterial creams; gauze; etc.) are always welcome.
So, beginning on Sunday, November 11th (the same day as our Semi-Annual Congregational meet- ing, by the way), we will have a box in the Welcome Center for donations of quilts, blankets, and first-aid items which we will deliver to NELM for the Quilt Giveaway. The last day to bring items to CtK will be Sunday, November 25th.
If you have any questions, or if you’re interested in helping NELM beyond quilts and first aid kits, please see me. I’d be happy to share more information with you.
Peace, Pastor Tim