On Your Mark. . . , Get Set. . . , GO!
Take a deep breath, ‘cuz the sprint starts now. November always seems to feel that way. After
August, September and October – three relatively quiet months in terms of holidays, festival
days, or big events – November really gets things going with a bang, and it won’t let up until
spring! I hope that you’ll be able to be a part of many of these events. Here’s a look at what’s
happening in just the next two months!
November 2 – CtK’s Fourth Annual Art Gallery & Gala, from 5:00-7:00pm. Open mic night begins at 6:00pm. Come dressed up all fancy-like for this elegant affair (and bring your friends, too!).
November 3 – All Saints’ Sunday. We will take time during worship services to remember those
who have died in faith before us, giving thanks for their life and witness to the gospel.
November 10 – CtK’s Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting following a single 9:30am worship
service. Potluck to follow in the Community Hall.
November 26 – Stuffing Smooooshing Party at Manna Soup Kitchen
November 27 – Durango Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service hosted by CtK.
Worship begins at 6:00pm with a Pie Social to follow.
November 30 – Sanctuary Christmas Decorating
December 1 – Advent begins
December 15 – Holiday Hoopla begins at noon. Come decorate some “gingerbread” “houses”
that will be given away the following week (for a donation that will support a local aid
December 22 – Aurora Rose’s Retirement Party (between services); also our Live Nativity
which will take the place of our 10:30am worship service.
December 24 – Christmas Eve Worship services at 5:00pm and 7:00pm. This is Aurora’s last
worship service as Director of Joyful Noise.
Pastor Tim