Summer Worship Schedule
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
It was such a joy to utter those words with you on Easter Sunday. It felt so good to be able to worship with you at Greenmount Cemetery, and again inside our sanctuary, and again outside in our front yard! Thank you to all who made those worship services possible.
One of the most frequent comments I heard after Easter was whether we would consider having an outdoor worship service every week now that the weather is nicer. Many people feel more comfortable coming to worship outdoors than indoors, and we just happen to live in a gorgeous setting where the weather is pleasant more often than not. I’m happy to say that the answer is: YES! Beginning on Sunday, May 30, we will offer a weekly outdoor worship service in addition to our livestreamed, indoor worship service. This will enable more of our church family to gather (TO-GATHER!) in a way that is within more individuals’ margin of acceptable risk.
Starting May 30, we will have three weekly worship opportunities through the summer:
- Sundays at 9:00am, indoor, in-person AND LIVE-STREAMED (Note the slight change in time from what we’ve been doing.)
- Sundays at 10:30am, outdoor, in-person, but not live-streamed
- Wednesdays at 6:00pm, in-person, outside (weather-permitting). We will not have dinner with our Behold! worship service for the time being, and we’re still investigating how to make this worship service an effective hybrid experience – that is, in-person and online.
This is a pretty crazy time in terms of the pandemic in our little area of the world. Vaccination efforts have been going very well here in La Plata County, helping our adult population to feel safer when returning to more sociable activities. At the same time, the virus is still circulating in our community, and worrisome variants are here, too. The affected demographics have shifted, however, now to affect more children and youth, for whom the vaccine is not yet available. Thankfully, children and youth have not seen cases rise to the level of severity as happened with older adults; but it is still a serious sickness that can have lasting effects.
So, as we gather for worship and other activities, please be sure to do what you can to keep others safe. If you are not feeling well, or haven’t felt well over the past few days, please refrain from joining us in worship or other church activities in person. If you have been quarantined because of close contact with someone suspected of having COVID-19, please refrain from joining us in worship or other church activities in person. If you are healthy and would like to join us in person, please wear a mask (over your mouth and nose) – even if you have had a full course of the vaccine. And, finally, remember that – although you might feel as though physical distancing doesn’t matter, especially once you’ve been vaccinated – others may feel very differently; so, please maintain a safe distance between yourself and members of other households.
The day is coming when these precautions will not be needed, but we’re not there yet. Thank you for your understanding and integrity in following these rules in our life together. Stay tuned for further developments and updates!
Pastor Tim