Rally Day 2022 Crib Notes
Rally Day is Sunday, September 11th. We are asking each and every person in our CtK Family to attach themselves to an M-Team this year! Commitments can be as infrequent as yearly or as often as daily – the choice is yours.
But we need everyone to help CtK to thrive.
When you’ve made your choice(s), you can email the Council Liaison to get in touch with your chosen committee’s leadership OR you can come to church on September 11th, stay after worship for Rally Day, and meet your teammates. WHY NOT DO BOTH?
Ideas into Action: Providing support to staff and caring for the physical and financial upkeep of the church
Council Liaison: Larry Rardin
Mutual Ministry Team: Pastor and Pastoral Support; Administrator Support; Office Staff Support; mediation/conflict resolution as required
Facilities Team: Groundskeeping; Columbarium; Building
Finances: Audit Team; Tellers/Counters; Budget Team
Information & Technology: Web Team; Office and Sanctuary Equipment; Safety
Proclaiming the Gospel: Sharing the Good News with the community and the world
Council Liaison: Megan Reid
Visitor Outreach: Welcome bags/goodies; Follow-up notes; Greeters
New Member Activities: Planning and Implementation of fun times for new members
Community Outreach/Neighborhood Programs: Planning and Implementation of fun times like the Easter Egg Hunt; Event support with the Family Center/Café Au Play/Scouts Event
Publicity: design ads for newspaper, online, direct mailings, etc.
Purple Cliffs Ministry Advisory Team: Consistent spiritual care ministry to the homeless population in Durango (led by Pr Paul Gebo)
Strengthening Worship: Nurturing a life of praise
Council Liaison: Karen Rosenberger
Altar Guild: Communion setup, Altar Flowers, Sanctuary decoration (Sundays and special services)
Worship Music: Planning and Implementation with staff
Worship Assistants: Coordinate online signup for Ushers, readers, Media Desk
Sermon series/topics: Planning and implementation with CtK Ministers
Special Services: Planning and implementing (Baptisms, Funerals, Wednesdays during advent and Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Christmas, etc.) with CtK Ministers
Behold!: Planning and implementation (including media and dinner) with CtK Ministers
Deepening Discipleship: Encouraging people of all ages to grow in faith
Council Liaison: Carla Gonneville
Christian Education:
Children: Sunday School, First Communion
Youth: Youth Group events, Confirmation Class
Adults: Discipleship Groups, Study Groups, Bible Study, Ft Lewis Ministry, Support & Discussion Groups
Special Events: Day Camp, Art Gala, Easter Eve, Intergenerational events
Library: Curating & organizing media
Building Relationships: Promoting fellowship and encouraging service to others
Council Liaison: Catherine Hawk
New Members: Classes, Sponsorships
Fellowship: Coordinate signup for food for after worship, baptisms, funerals, confirmation, new member receptions, special occasions; set up, clean up
Member Events: CtK Outdoors; Dinner Adventures
Small Groups: CtK Book Club; CtK Piecemakers; GoBoGs; Circle of Contemplative Prayer; Khuvara; Spiritual Study Group
Stewardship: Plan and implement Stewardship Sundays; Time & Talent Forms, Member Services Directory & Database; Coordinate Fundraisers for Capital Campaigns/Infrastructure
Serving Others: Reaching out to and advocating for those in need
Council Liaison: Gary Henschen
Congregation Care Teams: birthday/anniversary/sympathy cards; check-in calls
Mission Endowment Fund: Provide annual distributions beyond the operating budget of this congregation to congregational, community, and world ministries (elected in May)
Social Ministry Team: Benevolence distribution (non-Synod); Promotion and Support of local and non-local Service Organizations and Groups; Noisy Offering Designation, Love Fund
Stephen Ministry: Training for Leaders and Ministers; Care Receivers & Caregivers
Habitat for Humanity: Coordination of CtK Work Days, Volunteers, Food, etc.
A message of service from our CtK Council President: Molly Bodewes
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” Helen Keller
At the risk of scaring everyone off, I’d like each person here today to think about their gifts and how they can share them
with our church family. The past 6 weeks, you have learned about the 6 “teams” that divide up the needs of the church into
smaller pieces:
- Administration- (Caring for the church and its financials),
- Magnification (Strengthening Worship services)
- Maturity (Deepening Faith life of all ages)
- Membership (Building relationships)
- Ministry (Serving those in need)
- Commission (Proclaiming the Gospel)
Our church functions in similar ways to any household. Someone needs to clean the kitchen, mow the grass, paint the walls, take out the trash, bring cookies to a sad neighbor, make
snacks, pay the bills, go to the bank, plan a budget, etc. We have once a year jobs, once a month jobs, once a week jobs. We have behind the scenes jobs, out in front of everybody jobs.
We want your ideas, your energy, your fellowship. Please prayerfully consider how you can be involved. We need you all!
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”- Gandhi
“Volunteers are not paid because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.”-Unknown