CtK Kids Sunday School
Join us on (most) Sundays at 10am for fellowship, a little study of the day’s Gospel reading, and a fun activity using stuff you already have at home! This is geared for Elementary aged kids, but younger kids are welcome to join if they have a parent helper.
Who: Elementary aged kids and Ms Mandy. If you have an idea to teach or share, email Mandy.
What: Highs & lows, gospel reading/video/retelling, found-items craft project.
When: Sundays (except when we have a live outdoor service), 10-10:30am.
Where: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8348891263?pwd=cUZJNmxuM2pkQnp5eGNGalVUKytzUT09 or Meeting ID: 834 889 1263. The Password is the same as always. If you don’t know it, email Mandy.