Our Gifts Blessing Others:
Please note: At the end of the year, several members did not receive their contribution statements because their spam blocked our newly created email address. CtK’s recent contribution statements were emailed in July from fin.sec@ctkdurango.org. So if you have any questions or concerns, please use this email address to contact us. Thank you.
Synod | $1,560 |
World Hunger | $515 |
Social Ministry | $1,566 |
Total Benevolence | $3,641 |
Synod | $15,076 |
World Hunger | $ 6,677 |
Social Ministry | $13,223 |
Total Benevolence | $34,976 |
Financial Update:
Gifts Received | $26,001 |
Facility Donations | $ — |
Rental Income | $ 833 |
Expenses | $25,003 |
Net Operating Income | $ 1,831 |
Gifts Received | $251,261 |
Facility Donations | $ 250 |
Rental Income | $ 2,500 |
Expenses | $220,378 |
Net Operating Income | $ 33,678 |
Endowment Fund Balance | $172,888 |
Worship Attendance:
Sunday, October 4, 9:15am |
34 Zoom 40 In-prsn |
Wednesday, October 7, 6pm | 7 Zoom |
Sunday, October 11, 9:15am | 63 Zoom |
Wednesday,October 14, 6pm | 3 Zoom |
Sunday, October 18, 9:15am | 55 Zoom |
Wednesday, October 21, 6pm | 7 Zoom |
Sunday, October 25, 9:15am |
42 Zoom 30 In-prsn |
Monthly Total | 281 |