CtK Kids! Countdown to Christmas

Adapted for CtK Kids! to be used with CtK Kids! Videos.
A family activity every day of Advent.
Do one, do them all, just watch and talk… and get ready for Jesus!
This is the resource page for the Bible readings and activites shown on CtK Kids! (start with Week 58)
Right-click on the image above each day, open in a new tab, and print the coloring/activity page. Some days have linked text to a larger imag. Or you can create your own family activities to Countdown to Christmas and the arrival of Jesus!

Wednesday, December 1
The Wreath
Read John 10:7-11
Print the advent wreath. Color the wreath part only.
Save your wreath as we’ll color more of it in the days to come.

Friday, December 3
Christmas Cards
Read 3 John 13-15
Print and color this card and give it to someone!
Don’t forget to write some kind words on the inside.
(Extra fun points if you actually mail it)

Saturday, December 4

2nd Sunday Of Advent - December 5
Come to church at 9am… or join us on the Livestream.
Color the second candle in your wreath.
Candy Canes
Read John 10:11-15
Make a Candy Cane out of cookie dough, Play-Doh, pipe cleaners… or print and color the candy cane above.

Monday, December 6
Santa Claus
Read Ephesians 2:8-10
Print and color the St. Nicholas picture above the way you think Santa Claus looks.

Tuesday, December 7
Read Philippians 4:4-7
Create an ornament for your Christmas tree using anything you want! Or print and decorate this one.

Wednesday, December 8
The Star
Read Matthew 2:1-2, 9-10
Go out and do some stargazing! Or have some fun coloring the star picture above.
(cut it out and stick it on top of your tree if you like)

Thursday, December 9
Make a handprint/footprint angel! Use paint like the one above or trace your hands and foot like Ms. Mandy does in the Week 58 CtK Kids! video.

Friday, December 10
Read 1 Peter 5:4
Print, cut out, and decorate these crowns – make one for everyone in your family!

Saturday, December 11
Print the bell picture above as many times you need so there’s a bell for each member of your family and write (or draw) something you love about each person – be sure to include YOURSELF!

3rd Sunday Of Advent - December 12
Come to church at 9am… or join us on the Livestream.
Today right after church is Holiday Hoopla! Join us in the Community Hall to build whatever you want with graham crackers and candy. It’s SUPER fun!!!
Color the third candle in your wreath.
Read John 14:27
Print and cut out the dove shape above. Cut a slit where the line is and thread a fan-folded piece of paper through for wings. Ms. Mandy shows you how in CtK Kids! Week 59. Add a string and hang your dove in a peaceful place.

Monday, December 13
Read John 6:32-35
Make some cookies!
You can use this easy recipe, buy pre-made dough at the store, make a gingerbread person out of Play-Doh, or trace cookie cutter shapes onto paper and color them.

Tuesday, December 14
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Print out and complete THIS WORKSHEET. You can write out or use pictures to describe your talents – or do both!

Wednesday, December 15
Read Micah 5:2
Peel your sock off your foot (the stinkier the better!). Now go get something you love and treasure and put it in your smelly old sock. Ask your grownup to guess what’s in your stinky, smelly, perhaps-a-little-damp sock. No hints allowed – except if they want to hold your sock with the object in it to FEEL it – through your sock – they can have at it.

Thursday, December 16
Read Isaiah 60:1-9
Make an Origami Boat. Click on the instructions above or follow along with Ms. Mandy in the Week 59 video.

Friday, December 17
The Poinsettia
Read Isaiah 11:1-2
Complete your own family tree using the template above – or make your own.

Saturday, December 18
Read Colossians 1:24-29
Make a heart – your heart – for Jesus. Cut out, color and decorate however you like.

4th Sunday Of Advent - December 19
Come to church at 9am… or join us on the Livestream.
Today is the LIVE NATIVITY! Show up at CtK by 8:30am if you want a costume and a part in the show! Dogs are welcome as well.
Color the fourth candle in your wreath.
The Tree
Read Matthew 7:7-8
If you have a real Christmas Tree – use that. If you don’t – go for a walk. You want 2 pine branches – not massive ones! Remove the needles if you want. Get some string and fasten your branches into a cross. Put the cross in your room or home somewhere and let it dry out. We’ll use it again at Lent in a few months.

Monday, December 20
Read John 15:9-17
Make paper doll family and friends!
You can use the template above or draw your own. Make everyone in your family, everyone you’ll see at Christmas, or everyone you WON’T see at Christmas but wish you could.

Tuesday, December 21
Read Psalm 96:1-6
Print out and complete THIS CHRISTMAS CAROL QUIZ. Play against someone or with someone, it’s your call. Don’t know a carol? Give it a listen!
(Here are the answers in case you get stuck.)

Wednesday, December 22
Read Matthew 5:14-16
Tonight, go on a Christmas Light Tour with your grownup. Walk or drive around your neighborhood and look at all the Christmas Light splendor. Appreciate the time and effort that your neighbors put in – and remember to carry the light of Jesus with you always.

Thursday, December 23
The Lamb
Read John 1:29-34
Make a lamb ornament. Print the lamb head cut-out above (you may have to size it down). Glue cotton balls together. Glue the head on. Cut out legs and glue them on, too. Watch Ms. Mandy attempt it in the Week 60 video.

Christmas Eve - December 24
Come to church at 5pm or 7pm… or join us on the Livestream at 5pm. Missed it? You can find it on CtK’s Vimeo Channel any time after 6pm on 12/24.
Color the flame of the center candle in your wreath.
The Crèche
Read Luke 2:1-20
Now your Advent wreath is complete. Baby Jesus is here! Merry Christmas!!