April 2021 — By the Numbers

April 2021 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from fin.sec@ctkdurango.org.   Email churchadmin@ctkdurango.org with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  2,088
World Hunger $      415
Social Ministry $      900
Total Benevolence $  3,403
Synod $   3,335
World Hunger $   2,830
Social Ministry $   3,932
Total Benevolence $ 10,097 


Financial Update:


Gifts Received $30,144
Facility Donations $    —
Rental Income $      833
Expenses $26,878
Net Operating Income $   4,100



Gifts Received $     48,200
Facility Donations $         —
Rental Income $        1,667
Expenses $      53,221
Net Operating  Income $       (3,354)
Endowment Fund Balance $    187,997
Building Fund Balance $       11,596
Love Fund Balance $      23,290



Worship Attendance:


Wednesday, March 3, 6pm 9
Sunday, March 7, 9:15am 77
Wednesday, March 10, 6pm 6
Sunday, March 14, 9:15am 45
Wednesday, March 17, 6pm 4
Sunday, March 21, 9:15am 61
Wednesday, March 24, 6pm 3

Sunday, March 28, 9:15am

Palm Sunday

Monthly Total 271

April 2021 — Worship Assistants

April 2021 — Worship Assistants

Sunday Worship Assistants

Inside Sanctuary @ 9:15am unless otherwise noted



April 4-Easter Sunday 9:15am, Inside Sanctuary
David Smith Carol Orlowski
April 4-Easter Sunday 11:00am,Outside Front Lawn
David Smith John Condie
April 11
Catherine Hawk Carol Orlowski
April 18
Catherine Hawk David Smith
April 25
David Smith Amy Wendland





April 2021 – Youth Group News

April 2021 – Youth Group News

Hi CtK!

We, the Youth, have been working behind the scenes these past almost 40 days to build the other half of the visual responses to the Solemn Reproaches for this year’s Good Friday worship service. Each week we’ve had our own phrase that we read, researched, and reacted to as a group. We’ve used lots of different media to create our own take on each phrase. We’ve done a lot of biblical research for each one as well, research that sometimes takes us down a few “rabbit holes” (what the heck is going on with the fig tree in Mark 11:12-25???). We hope when you see each display, along with hearing the Solemn Reproach, that you understand where we’re coming from. If you don’t: ask us! We’ll be around, helping out all Easter weekend. Click here to join us!  
April 2021 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

April 2021 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts


“If you make disciples, you always get the church. But if you make a church, you rarely get disciples.” So says pastor and author Mike Breen in his book Building a Discipleship Culture. That thought has stuck with me since I first read this book almost ten years ago. The point he was driving at was that churches – in their panic about what to do about dwindling membership at the global and local levels – found some refuge in becoming marketing machines. Churches found that they could attract some people with programs of all sorts – children’s and youth ministries, parenting classes, financial strategy courses, prayer circles, men’s Bible studies, and the like. To be clear, Breen didn’t say that these things were bad. They all serve a good purpose! His issue with these things is that they were born from the wrong premise. These programs were designed to grow a church, not in order to make disciples. As such, the church became more administrative, focused more on the technical nature of how to sustain these programs. As such, the people who came for these programs tended to stay and affiliate with the church insofar as the program existed. But when the program finished, or when they “aged out” in terms of youth groups, then the people just walked away without any second thought. So, Breen asks, what if, instead, the church focused less on the programs and more on the people? What if the church just distilled its programmatic ministry to the single task of making disciples – equipping them for a life of faith in a challenging, ever-changing world? What if the church spent its time and energy on helping people to listen for God in their everyday lives, and encouraged people to respond to God’s gracious voice? What if the church made disciples that understood the invitation and challenge associated with a life of faith and who strove every day to meet that challenge with the assurance of God’s mercy? This isn’t programmatic ministry. It’s just ministry. Beginning with questions like these brings our focus more to relationships, mentoring, teaching, and role-modeling, and less to checking worship or a church meeting off of our To-Do List. Make disciples, he says, and you will always get the church. It just may not look like what you thought it would.

I bring this up because earlier this week, a report from Gallup was released that showed that religious membership in the United States has dipped below 50% for the first time in its 80-year history of asking these questions. This is significant, but not surprising. Membership in churches along with other religious organizations has been decreasing for decades, and this is a trend that the church needs to pay attention to. Still, my reaction to this report was not so much panic as it was sorrow. Because it seems to indicate that we – the church – have done a poor job of making disciples. And reports like this one will probably trigger another surge of gimmicky programs instead of doing the harder, more necessary work of making disciples.

As Christ the King Lutheran Church and I both prepare for my upcoming Renewal Leave in the summer of 2022 we will be focusing on what discipleship looks like. We will be discovering what our individual spirituality types might mean for our life of faith. We will be revisiting and relearning about some of our religious roots and tending to them so that our faith might flourish. We will focus on building you and others up as disciples, as people who love and want to follow Jesus. I, for one, am excited to see how this kind of intentional focus might bear fruit in the years to come.

If you have any questions about my upcoming Renewal Leave, please feel free to reach out to me. I’d love to chat with you about it.


Pastor Tim