December 2019 Worship Assistants

December 2019 Worship Assistants

8:00 10:30
Usher Ken & Linda Hartlein Carol Orlowski
Worship Assistant Lynn Mitzlaff Molly Bodewes
Communion Assistants Brigitte Cunningham, Lynn Mitzlaff, Gary Rollstin Janeann Jones, Jeannie Morford, Jigger Staby
Sound Board Operator Dave Mitzlaff Charlie Hakes
8:00 10:30
Usher Larry & Margaret Hjermstad Dominique Holling, David Smith
Worship Assistant Amy Wendland Molly Bodewes
Communion Assistants Denise Dey, Mike Smedley, Amy Wendland Janeann Jones, Carol Orlowski, Jigger Staby
Sound Board Operator Bruce Wongstrom Charlie Hakes
Usher Pete & Judy Olson Carol Orlowski, David Smith
Worship Assistant Amy Wendland Eryn Orlowski
Communion Assistants Brigitte Cunningham, Gary Rollstin, Amy Wendland Dominique Holling, Jeannie Morford, Jigger Staby
Sound Board Operator Bruce Wongstrom Charlie Hakes
8:00 10:30
Usher Dan & Angelia Graves Rick Jones, Carol Orlowski
Worship Assistant Lynn Mitzlaff Eryn Orlowski
Communion Assistants David & Wendy Gonzales, Lynn Mitzlaff Dominique Holling, Jeannie Morford
Sound Board Operator Dave Mitzlaff Gary Orlowski
5:00pm 7:00pm
Usher Ken & Linda Hartlein; Roger & Cora Landgren Dominique Holling, Doug Crinklaw
Worship Assistant Holly Landgren Carol Orlowski
Communion Assistants Denise Dey, Wendy Gonzales Carol Orlowski
Sound Board Operator Dave Mitzlaff Gary Orlowski


8:00 10:30
Usher Larry & Margaret Hjermstad Dominique Holling, David Smith
Worship Assistant Holly Landgren Eryn Orlowski
Communion Assistants David Gonzales, Cora Landgren, Holly Landgren Janeann Jones, Jeannie Morford
Sound Board Operator Bruce Wongstrom TBD
December 2019 Bible Studies

December 2019 Bible Studies


Bible Studies

Circle of Contemplative Prayer

The Circle of Contemplative Prayer meets on Mondays from 5:30-7:15pm in the Chapel. We are currently studying “The Untethered Soul: the journey beyond yourself” by Michael Singer.  For more information, contact Sharyn Butler.



Great Ol’ Broads of God (GoBoGs)

GoBoGs invites you to join them in study and fellowship. They meet at CtK in the classrooms W6/W7 each Monday from 4:00-5:30 pm. (The first Monday of each month is dedicated to Share The Care, GoBoGs’ outreach mission.) They are currently studying “Inspired” by Rachel Held Evans. Please join them for study sessions that are deeply rewarding. For more information, contact Lynda Morris.



Midweek Bible Study led by Pastor Tim

We meet each Thursday from 12:00-1:15 PM  in the CtK Community Hall.  Please join us, and bring your lunch if you wish.  Our discussions are engaging and span a variety of topics.  For more information, call the church office at 247-5310.



Khuvara (“Circle of Friends”)

The Khuvara Women’s Group are currently reading the book “What’s So Amazing About Grace” by Phillip Yangtze. All women are welcome, and we gladly invite new members to join us. We meet each Thursday at 1:30 pm in the CtK Library. For more information, contact Stella Welcher.



Spiritual Study Group (SSG)

Currently the Spiritual Study Group is reading and studying “Consider the Women,” a provocative guide to three matriarchs of the Bible.   The Spiritual Study Group meets weekly on Thursdays at 3:00 pm in the Welcome Center.  Please join us for lively, enriching discussions! For more information, contact Aurora Rose.

December 2019 Fellowship Group News

December 2019 Fellowship Group News

CtK Piecemaker Quilters

The Piecemaker Quilters would like to invite all those interested in quilting (or wanting to learn how to quilt) to join us. You’ll find us a warm and accepting group who makes quilts for baptisms, the sick and elderly, as well as for various mission projects for those in need here at home and abroad. If you would like more information, please give Judy Danielson a call at the Durango Quilt Company: 970-247-2582.  The Piecemakers regularly meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 9:30 am until 2:00 pm in the CtK Community Hall.   We look forward to seeing you!


CtK Book Club

The CtK Book Club meets on the second Thursday of each month at 3:00 pm in the CtK Library.  However, we won’t have a regular Book Club  meeting on December 12th so we can participate in our annual Holiday Luncheon.  Then on Thursday, January 9th, 2020 we’ll kick off the new year with a discussion of the book, “Before We Were Yours” by Lisa Wingate. Our February 13th discussion will be “My Dear Hamilton” by Drae & Kamole.  Then on March 12th, we’ll discuss “A Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles.  A popular book, “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker will be the topic of our discussion on April 9th, and then another popular book, “The Sun Also Rises,” by Ernest Hemingway will finish out our discussions on May 14th .  We’ll be on Summer Break until September 12th (so stay tuned for our book line up coming in the Fall).

You are invited to drop in at any time and join us for some lively and enriching literary discussions—new members are always warmly welcomed! For more information about any of our reads or activities, please contact Stella Welcher at 970-903-9327.

December 2019 In Our Prayers

December 2019 In Our Prayers

Please keep the following Military men and women in your prayers…

To add or remove names from this list, please contact Janeann Jones

  • Major Ryan Bankhead—Brother of Eryn Orlowski
  • Sgt. John Dee—Son in-law of Wendy Krull
  • Sgt. Chris Gomez—Nephew of BJ and Danny Pierce
  • Staff Sergeant (SSgt.) Airman Paul Herr—Nephew of Gary & Carol Orlowski
  • Hugh Jones, Jr. Sailor—Son of Rick & Janeann Jones
  • Sgt. Brandon Minser —Son in-law of Wendy Krull
  • LCDR Andy Schaaf—Son of Merilee and Mark Fleming
  • Major Clayton Stransky—Nephew of Kip and Laura Stransky
  • Technical Sgt. & Special Air Force Agent Stephen Van Dover—Nephew of Nancy Van Dover

CtK family & friends who are in need of prayer…

To add or remove names from this list, please contact Linda White

  • Shirley Buslee
  • Lon Erwin
  • The Family of Lucille Ball
  • Veronica Rice (Mother of David Gonzales)
  • Clark Lagow & Sandy Newman
  • Matthew Burnett, son of Tom & Marna Burnett
  • Larry & Lauren Rardin
  • Beverly and Paul Dittmer
  • Mary Southworth
  • Darlene Warring
  • Bonnie Rossmiller
  • Shirley Buslee
  • LuLu Mae Hess
  • Bev Brown
  • Lori Lachelt
  • Kayla Hefner
  • Carol Gunderson
  • CtK’s ministry and partnership with both the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, AZ and San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church in Zaculeu, Guatemala.
  • CtK’s Homebound Ministry and all those who serve our homebound members through this ministry.
  • Mandy Gardner, CtK’s Director of Faith Formation. She was approved for Endorsement by the RMS in March, 2019.
  • All those battling mental illness and addictions.
  • Each person in our CtK church family.