January 2020 In Other News. . .

January 2020 In Other News. . .



THANK YOU to CtK’s Family & Friends

To the Congregation,

I want to thank all of you who wished George and me well in our retirement.  Thank you for the cards and gifts.  Thank you for the gorgeous music stand that will remind me daily that I am loved.  You made my last days as Joyful Noise Director shine with the light of Christ.

May God bless you all.


Aurora Rose


Aurora & George Rose

A special thank you to Denise Dey & Linda Hartlein for planning, coordinating, and preparing food for the wonderful retirement celebration for Aurora Rose.  There were many others who helped with set-up and clean-up as well as preparing food —  to all of you, a special thanks as well.  The event was a fitting honor to Aurora for her extraordinary music ministry to CtK over the years.  The picture below shows Pastor Tim presenting Aurora with a handmade, black cherry wood music stand crafted in her honor.



We wish Aurora much success in her future endeavors!


(Ph. Cr. ~ J. Staby)


CtK Piecemaker Quilters’ 2019 Report:



We want to take this opportunity to let the members of CtK know what we’ve been doing in 2019.  We created, made, and donated quits to the following individuals and organizations:

2 Prayer quilts – Lon Erwin (CtK member) and Mark Walters (friend of Patty Mack)

1 Baptism quilt – Riley Mae Mitzlaff

1 Comfort quit – George Friday

4 Homebound CtK’ers – Shirley Buslee, LuLu Mae Hess, Bonnie Rossmiller, and

Mary Southworth

8 Quilts were given to Angel Tree recipients (7 children and 1 adult)

6 Quilts were delivered to the Volunteers of America Community Shelter, Durango, CO

25 Quilts were delivered to the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, AZ

In total, the Piecemakers donated 47 quilts in 2019!!  Plus. . . , we donated $1500 to help pay down our Children’s World deficit.

We are turning our focus to 2020 as we continue our ministry.  As always, we encourage you to join us in providing comfort (in the form of quilts) to those in our community who need to know, or be reminded, that we at CtK care about them and pray for them!

From all the Piecemaker Quilters, THANK YOU for your continuing support of this outreach ministry.

(Pictured above L–R:  Carol Orlowski, Julie Williams, Judy Olson, Donn Wince, Judy Danielson, Stella Welcher; not  pictured:  Cora Landgren, Sue Mages, Dottie Robinson;  ph.cr. ~ L. White)




Alternative Giving Options



For instructions on how to designate Christ the King Lutheran Church—Durango as the recipient for your City Market Community Rewards and AmazonSmile Rewards programs, please go to CtK’s Give page under the following link:








Important January Events:

Sunday, January 12th, 2020 — Epiphany Sunday


Plan Ahead:


Monday, February 17th — Presidents’ Day Holiday — Church Office CLOSED

Wednesday, February 26th — Ash Wednesday


















January 2020 — Faith Formation

January 2020 — Faith Formation

Happy Year A!

Lectionary Year A focuses on the Gospel of Matthew, written by a Jewish Christian with a Jewish audience in mind. So it’s really strong on men and male influence and women take a back seat, right? Nope. Throughout Matthew, women show faith and initiative, and it’s all set up at the very beginning.

Year A started back on Wednesday, November 28th, technically the first Day of Advent. On our first Sunday of Advent (December 1st), you’ll remember in the Gospel readings we heard a lot about John the Baptist, aka the scriptural Lima Bean, as his hair shirt, stinky locust breath, and constant name-calling makes him hard to stomach. On Advent’s third Sunday, Pastor told us about his dislike for Matthew, but assured us that grace exists for a reason and the words of judgement in this gospel don’t stand alone, which was reassuring. On the last Sunday of Advent, we heard the story of Joseph accepting Jesus as his son after an angel appeared to him and quelled his fears. Mary’s there, to be sure, but sort of as background. It’s Joseph who does all the acting: Joseph names the baby Jesus and protects him from Herod and, after leaving Egypt, relocates the family in Galilee which fulfills the prophecy that the Messiah would be a Nazarene.

But what we don’t hear read in Year A is Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus in Chapter 1, which perhaps we should do well to acknowledge. The Gospel of Matthew traces Jesus’ genealogy through Joseph. Very patriarchal. BUT – there four women mentioned in the genealogy: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba (the wife of Uriah). It was unusual to mention women in a genealogy at the time, yet the author of the Matthew did it. Why? Perhaps to show that women are important to God, too. Plus, these four women aren’t even Jews! And to top it off, these women (all foreigners and not Jews, by the way) did some pretty sketchy things: Tamar tricked her father-in-law into conceiving a son with her; Rahab was a prostitute; Ruth played with Boaz’ “feet” to seduce him into marriage; and Bathsheba committed adultery. But without the extraordinary actions of these imperfect women, the lineage of Abraham to Jesus wouldn’t have been so perfect, in 3 sets of 14.  The extraordinary actions of these 4 women produced offspring that led to the ultra-extraordinary conception of Jesus, who God sent to save everyone: the marginalized (Tamar), the sinners (Rahab), the immigrants (Ruth), and the “others” (Bathsheba). Matthew’s genealogy shows us, then, that God did great things through these biblical bad girls, these women who are at once saints and sinners, teaching us that God will always do great things through every one of us, even when we mess up. God loves us anyway, despite and because.

So as we make our way together through Year A and the Gospel of Matthew, let 2020 (as in 20/20 vision) remind you to be on the lookout for ways the God wants to use you, your faith, and your initiative.

January 2020 Bible Studies

January 2020 Bible Studies


Bible Studies

Circle of Contemplative Prayer

The Circle of Contemplative Prayer meets on Mondays from 5:30-7:15pm in the Chapel. We are currently studying “The Untethered Soul: the journey beyond yourself” by Michael Singer.  For more information, contact Sharyn Butler.



Great Ol’ Broads of God (GoBoGs)

GoBoGs invites you to join them in study and fellowship. They meet at CtK in the classrooms W6/W7 each Monday from 4:00-5:30 pm. (The first Monday of each month is dedicated to Share The Care, GoBoGs’ outreach mission.) They are currently studying “Inspired” by Rachel Held Evans. Please join them for study sessions that are deeply rewarding. For more information, contact Lynda Morris.



Midweek Bible Study led by Pastor Tim

We meet each Thursday from 12:00-1:15 PM  in the CtK Community Hall.  Please join us, and bring your lunch if you wish.  Our discussions are engaging and span a variety of topics.  For more information, call the church office at 247-5310.



Khuvara (“Circle of Friends”)

The Khuvara Women’s Group are currently reading the book “What’s So Amazing About Grace” by Phillip Yangtze. All women are welcome, and we gladly invite new members to join us. We meet each Thursday at 1:30 pm in the CtK Library. For more information, contact Stella Welcher.



Spiritual Study Group (SSG)

Currently the Spiritual Study Group is reading and studying “Consider the Women,” a provocative guide to three matriarchs of the Bible.   The Spiritual Study Group meets weekly on Thursdays at 3:00 pm in the Welcome Center.  Please join us for lively, enriching discussions! For more information, contact Aurora Rose.

January 2020 — CtK Council’s Corner

January 2020 — CtK Council’s Corner

It’s 2020!

We hope everyone found time to spend with family and friends during this glorious Christmas season.  Perhaps you even found opportunities to re-kindle some old friendships and/or make new ones.

As 2020 unfolds, Council wishes all our CtK family a healthy and prosperous year ahead.  More importantly, let’s all remember to carve out some time during our busy, daily schedules for spiritual growth and renewal—even a few minutes each day can make a difference.  And remember, the Commission team continues to seek your help with outreach within the community.   There are business cards available with contact information for the church and service times. Please grab a few cards and hand them out to friends, neighbors and new people you meet.  You might be surprised to find out the person you handed a card to made a New Year’s resolution to nurture their own spiritual growth.  Here’s what the card (front/back) looks like:

                                                                                     Come, meet the Creator

January 2020 Worship Assistants

January 2020 Worship Assistants

8:00 10:30
Usher Larry & Margaret Hjermstad

Rick Jones

David Smith

Worship Assistant Holly Landgren
Eryn Orlowski
Communion Assistants Denise Dey, Angelia Graves, Holly Landgren
Dominique Holling, Jeannie Morford, Jigger Staby
Sound Board Operator Bruce Wongstrom


8:00 10:30
Usher Jeff & Donn Wince
Doug Crinklaw, Dominique Holling
Worship Assistant Lynn Mitzlaff
Eryn Orlowski
Communion Assistants Brigitte Cunningham, Lynn Mitzlaff, Gary Rollstin Dominique Holling, Jigger Staby, Erika Svor
Sound Board Operator Dave Mitzlaff


Usher Roger & Cora Landgren
Doug Crinklaw, Dominique Holling
Worship Assistant Amy Wendland
Eryn Orlowski
Communion Assistants Cora Landgren, Mike Smedley, Amy Wendland

Jeannie Morford, Jigger Staby, Erika Svor

Sound Board Operator Bruce Wongstrom Charlie Hakes


8:00 10:30
Usher David & Wendy Gonzales
Rick Jones, David Smith
Worship Assistant Dianne Milarch
Eryn Orlowski
Communion Assistants Jo & Dianne Milarch, Gary Rollstin
Jigger Staby, Erika Svor
Sound Board Operator Kalyn Hutt
Charlie Hakes